Chapter 9

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I run to the mailbox outside, hoping Cody has sent another letter back to me. I'm trying to decide if I should tell him everything that happened with Justin yesterday. He wouldn't care, right?

I open up the box, seeing a dozen letters lying at the bottom. I take all of them at once in my hands and search through them before I saw an envelope with a heart shaped sticker in the middle.

That has to be it.

I shove all the other letters back in and run to the house and to my bedroom.

I rip the envelope open and unfold the piece of paper inside.

Dear Scarlet,

I'm so sorry about your job. But you are amazing, so I'm sure that you will get a better job. So.... in New York, I met this one girl named Bertha. She is very beautiful and nice, and right now we are very good friends. What I meam by this is that I am so glad you and I are only friends because I get to search for other attractive girls. :)
I hope you find your love soon.

Your friend Cody

I sigh in relief when I read that Cody has moved on. Now I can tell him all about Justin.

I sit down in my desk and pull a piece of paper from the corner. I grab onto the pen and begin writing.

Dear Cody,

I am so glad to hear about Bertha. I was at the pool a few days ago, and I met a boy named Justin. He literally looks like Justin Bieber's brother. We became really good friends and he invited me to his house. We watched a romance movie and we.... KISSED! :D
I really love him. Thanks for being so cool about it. Bye!
Yours Truly,

I sighed dreamily and folded up the letter before sticking it in an envelope. I wrote Cody's address on the back and sealed up the letter.

I decided that I will drop it off the the post office later. For right now, I just wanted to sit down.

I began thinking about Cody and Justin. Let me see... Justin is wealthy and cute and nice. Cody is nice, cute, and a criminal.

Oh my gosh. I totally forgot that Cody is in jail. I wonder if he ever got out... probably. Maybe I should ask on my next letter.

I got so bored that I decided to just go and drop off the letter at the post office and go to work from there.

I got dressed and went outside. Then I jumped in my car and started it up, before driving to the post office.

I parked, and jumped off and walked inside. Thank goodness those two men aren't here anymore.

I slip the envelope after making sure everything was on. The stamp, check, the address, check, the good looks, check.

I jumped back into my car and on my way to work---wait a minute.
Oh my god. I don't even have a job. I totally forgot that I was fired.

I groaned in frustration and drove back to my house. I went in my bedroom and rested the laptop on my thighs.

I opened it up and pressed Google Chrome. I moved my mouse up the the search bar and typed in, good paying job applications.

Only one reasonable website popped up.

It said, OPEN SPOT FOR LAWYER. $87 PER HOUR. LOCATION: NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK. 1649 Barner Rd. Call: 164-864-1390

I felt my heart skip a beat when I read the location. I mean, I will be too scared to go there! I swear, if I saw Cody there, I will faint.

I went downstairs to talk to my parents. My parents were in the living room watching TV.

I took a deep breath and walked in front of the TV. "Mom? Dad? I need to talk to you."

My dad sighed. "Is it important?" He asked. I nodded. "Very."

He paused the TV, and now both of their eyes were on me.

I haven't really thought it out, but I want the job.

"I want to get a job in New York City."

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