Chapter 4

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I got back from work and started crying again. Cody was leaving tomorrow, so it was hard at work to not start sobbing in front of everyone.

Anyway, I got back from work and, while crying, sat in my desk. I kept staring at the package full of paper and envelopes. I thought about how my mom wanted me to write him letters.

Wait. How will I write to him if I don't know what his address will be?! I immediately stood up and ran to my mom who was cooking in the kitchen.

"Mom," I yelled from the living room. "Yea, honey?" she calls back. I can still hear the pan sizzling from what she's cooking.

"Do you know Cody's new address in New York so that I can send him letters?" There was a few seconds of silence when I heard her rustling with paper.

"Yea. It's 1647 Denis Road New York City, New York 48673." I repeated the words and numbers in my head as I ran back to the room.

I took out an old piece of paper and quickly wrote the address down.

Time to start my letter for Cody.

Dear Cody,
It's Scarlet. I hope you've been enjoying New York City. It's been hard here back at home know, our break-up. I know you know why. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I've been thinking lately, and I think that just because we broke up doesn't mean we can't be friends. It will help with all the drama. Please write me back about what happens where you are. My address is: 6082 East Forni Rd. Diamond Springs CA 14389.

Yours sincerely,

I fold up the letter and stick it into the envelope. I take the flap and lick the sides before pushing it hard. Then I wrote the address and grabbed the book of stamps from the inside of my desk.

I looked for one for New York, and when I found it, I wripped it off and stuck it to the back of fhe envelope in the right corner.

I examimed the envelope, making sure it was perfect. In my opinion, it was, so I went in my car and drove to the post office.

I dropped the envelope in the slot and immediately left after that. I was scared that Cody won't write back and I will be wasting all that paper and the pen with Cody's name on it.

I knew that it will take about two weeks for my envelope to get all the way to New York City, so I had to be patient.

Back at home, I was watching YouTube on my laptop. Then all of a sudden my phone started vibrating. I clicked the mouse to pause the video and I took off my ear buds.

I picked up the phone and answered it. "Hello?" I ask. "Heyo, Scarlet!" My best friend, Liv, said. I recognized her voice because of her high pitched, excited sound. "Oh, hey!" I say.

I lean back on the wall. "So, guess what?" she asked. "What?" "There's a party tonight at eight! It will be at my house! I invited a whole bunch of people I knew from high school!"

I smiled. She loves having parties even though we aren't high school kids anymore.

"Okay, I'll be there," I tell her. I hear her squeal before she said, "Cool beans!" and hung up.

I rolled my eyes laughing to myself and put my phone back on the desk. I get up and go to my closet to find out what to wear.

I decided to wear a pink mini-skirt, a jean jacket, and some long black boots. I left my brown hair down and brushed my teeth.

I told my mom where I was going and got into my car. I stick the key in and the ingnition starts. I press the pedal and drive to Liv's house.

When I enter the gate, my eyes widen in excitement when I see that hundreds of people are dancing and swimming. There is also a snack bar, which is extra special.

I park next to the other cars and open the door to hop out. I close it behind me and stand there, looking for Liv around all these people. I finally spot her black hair and green eyes and run to her.

When she sees me, her eyes widen and she gives me a hug. "Hey, girl!" She says. "Hi!" I said. I look around us at all the dancing people. "What a party. You were really being serious."

She giggles and takes my hand. "Let's dance!" She tells me, and leads me to the dance floor. I begin laughing and move my hips to the beat while throwing my hands up.

"Excuse me?" I hear someone say. I turn around and see a man looking at me. He had brown eyes and a darker brown hair color.

He was extremely cute.

"Am I in your way?" I ask, and try to move to the side. "No, no, its fine. Um, I just wanted to ask if you want to go in the house?"

I widen my eyes and look at Liv. She was grinning and nods. I turn back around. "Okay," I tell him, and follow him to the house.

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