Chapter 8: Under Slender's Watch and an UnBEARable Dream

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(QUICK A/N~ WARNING, this chapter contains some feels and also a little bit of torture so if you are sensitive to that sort of stuff, do not read! x3 anyways on wit da story! OuO) (and also yes, there is a pun in the title of this-- you will understand soon xD.)


After you took Slender's hand, you were immediately teleported into his office. When you arrived, he let go of your hand and walked over towards his desk and sat down in his big chair as he then began to stare at you. You stood there, unable to move because to be honest, you were pretty damn scared as to what was going to happen. Slender noticed your obvious discomfort and sighed tiredly before he said,

"Y/N, you do understand the dangers of hanging out with Offender, am I correct? Not only this, but you ran from me knowing well I did not like the fact you were with him- especially considering the fact of what he tried to do to you." Slender scolded, beginning to sound like a dad lecturing a small child. You held your hands behind your back as you looked down sheepishly before slowly nodding as you rocked back and forth on your heels.

"Y/N, do you know how worried you made me?" Slender asked as you looked up with sad eyes and replied quietly,

"I'm sorry.... Offender isn't all that bad though, I mean sure he can be a real perv and a major flirt, but he is a nice guy- he even taught me to make flower crowns....."

"Be that as it may, acts of kindness such as that does not change the fact that he is- well, him.... Child, you do understand that there will be consequences for your actions, correct?" Slender asks as he looks over towards you before your eyes went wide.

"Wait, why am I getting punished? I didn't do anything....." you start to say sadly mixed with a little bit of confusion and anger.

"It's not so much as a punishment but a... Safety precaution. Y/N, you will be staying in my office with me for the day so I can make sure that you do not speak with Offender. Not only this, but I no longer want you to speak nor have any encounters with Offender for awhile- so please, try to avoid him. Is that understood child?" Slender asked seriously as he continued to 'look' over at you.

"But Slender, I don't want to stay in-!" you began to argue before he asked again in a more threatening voice,

"Is that understood, Y/N?"

"U-uh I-I..... Fine......" you mumble with a pout as you trudge over towards one of the cushioned chairs and sit down, with your arms crossed as Slender began to take out papers from a drawer in his desk.

"Good. I am glad that we've settled this. As for you, you may get bored while I do paperwork so feel free to grab a book from one of the bookshelves over there- there's plenty to choose from." Slender stated as he continued to go through various papers on his desk. You let out a soft sigh as you sat in the chair and began to look around the room- you didn't feel like reading at the moment, but you'd soon go over to the bookshelf to see if there was a book that you would like to read later- considering the fact that you'd be there all day, you'd need to find a book to read so that you wouldn't die of boredom. One of the things that you had spotted when you were looking around the room was a small clock on the wall- you noticed that the room was fairly silent besides the faint sound of the ceiling fan, the shuffling of papers, distant yelling from outside (which was normal to you by now), and also the ticking of the clock itself. You squinted your eyes and moved your head a little so that you could see what time it was since the clock was behind Slender, high up on the wall. The time read '1:15pm'

'Huh, it's actually a little later than I had originally thought....' you thought to yourself before you got up and began to head towards one of the various bookshelves in the room so that you could look for a book to read. After searching through the books for a few minutes, (with most of the books being about nature), you found one that had a lot of pages and seemed like something you'd enjoy reading- it was a book about serial killers, and by the description on the back, it sounded pretty interesting. Not only did you pick this book, but there was one other book that had caught your attention as well- it was about how to get away with murder. Happy with your findings, you walked back over towards the chair you were sitting in and started to read the book about serial killers first, hoping that maybe by reading both of these books that it would take a long time so that when you were done with them, you would finally be able to leave.

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