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"Will a mini be fine?"I asked Ma.

"He might have a lot of luggage.Go for a sedan."she suggested.

"Okay.Sedan for three ,tomorrow evening,confirm..."

"Morning ,Layla!!Not evening " Ma corrects me

"Morning??"urghhhh..I hate cutting down on my sleep,and that too,for a boy who annoys the hell out of me,but I don't complain and do as am told.

I finally book a sedan for 2:30.Half an hour should be enough to reach the airport in time.

Now,you must be wondering why I hate him so much.Let me tell you . Do you know the phrase "Love at first sight" ??Two people see each other for the first time and they have no idea whether it was the way he looked at her,or the way she smiled or the way he was nervous around her or the way her heart's pace increased a thousand fold when he was around but then it's all rainbows,flowers and unicorns.

It's kind of the same with us.More like "hate at first sight". And all the mushy stuff I mentioned earlier just doesn't happen. It's all grenades,daggers ,torture devices and what-nots.

'Tringg tringgg ' we hear the doorbell

That was my little brother ,Zain. He just got back from his Arabic tuition .Ma asked him about his day and then told him that Rehan was coming.

"SERIOUSLY??Rehan kaka is coming?? He can help me finish NFS ...YAAY" he goes around screaming . He is just delighted for getting a substitute for older bro.

"Zay.." I called him

"Did you hear Rehan kaka is coming ??" He is acting like Santa Claus is coming over and he doesn't even call me 'ithatha' .Whats with Rehan 'kaka'?

"I did " I say dryly

"Do u think he can help with the ninja origami ?" He has just met that guy twice and he is pretending like they had been best buddies forever.

"I don't know" I said.

"Layl,won't he be shocked to know I finished WatchDogs??God !! I would love to see his face then " he pumps his fist in the air.

"Yeah yeah..." Wallahi,this kid is getting on my nerves .He must be so delighted that he doesn't even see that am not joining in on his enthusiasm

"Ma, am going to bath " he says,jumping all the way . Phew!!one more of his Rehan 'kaka' stuff and I would have died.

" okay sweetie" Ma says,washing his lunch boxes.The maid hasn't come today,so Ma has a lot to do.

" Even Zain loves that boy..I just don't understand why she hates him" ma mutters under her breath. Me neither,Ma.Me neither.


Kaka-older brother
ithatha-older sister
^those are Malayalam words

Hope you guys enjoyed,
Let me know know how you guys feel :) :)

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