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I finally drag myself up to Rehan's room.

"You called?" I ask him

"Nope" he lies

"Well,then I'll get going " Ha!Two can play at that game!

"Okay" He isn't calling me back??

"Dude,tell me what you need" It's always better to accept defeat than be subjected to Ma's wrath.

"About the books,when can we go get it?" He asks me with a smirk ,clearly knowing that he has an upper hand now.

"Well,YOU have to get it today at 11:30,so YOU must book a taxi for 10 and YOU will be going alone" I inform him,laying an extra stress on 'YOU'

"But why do we have to go by 10?" Dint this guy get the point?I am not going to be baby sitting him.

"Because it will take YOU an hour to reach school and it is a busy hour,so it's better to be well in advance"

"Okay,let's have breakfast and get ready" he tells me ,getting up form his bed

"Why don't you understand?I am not coming" Is he actually dense or is he doing this on purpose ??

"You are.Aunty specifically told me to take you along and bring you back safe and sound"

"If she is so concerned about my safety,I can stay here,you know."

"Yes,you can but you won't "

"I will"

"I won't let you"

"I would like to watch you try"

"Well,you are asking for it"


"Aunty..."he starts screaming .Shit!!I dint expect that.

"Okay okay!!Shut up,I'll come"

"Now,that is so much more like my cupcake "


"Haha..I'll try,cupcake"he says,sliding down the stairs.I swear,this guy is out to ruin my life.

I rang up my bestie,Jess (short for Jeseem) and told her about my life threatening situation.She agreed to join me to school so 'I wouldn't have to be bored out of my life' (her words) but personally,I think she just wants to check out Rehan.

Ma calls me to set the table for breakfast while Zay brought in the plates.Well,let's see how Rehan eats the spicy desi food.

"What do we have here?" I hear Rehan ask

"This is an extra crispy pancake made of fermented rice batter and tossed in a spoon of ghee" I start

"wow cool" he says ,taking a bite.Okay!He is impressed,now you just have to keep the momentum going.

"We also have a coconut paste with a few deplored mustard and chilli along with mixed spices sauce with vegetable which are ...ummm floating " I weakly finish my Master Chef style description of our measly everyday breakfast .

"I know dosa,chutney and sambar,freako!" what?He knew it ?And he watched me as I made a complete fool of myself .

Zay was literally wiping away his tears from laughing too hard.

"Then why did you ask?"

"It was a rhetorical question"

"Why dint you ATLEAST tell me earlier?" I ask Rehan,embarrassed and angry at the same time

"Yeah,and miss a chance to watch you pretend like you are Gordan Ramsay?No way"

"Jerk " I mutter under my breath.

The rest of the breakfast goes on peacefully and I bathe and dress up to accompany Rehan.

On the way to school,I tell the driver to stop at College road, where Jess lives. She came running out if her house when she heard the honk if our car.

Jess looks very feminine and has petite features but she is the Alpha of the bi**es.Am super lucky that she is on my side and not against.

"Assalmualaikum" she screams as soon she entered the car,kissing me on my cheek.


"What is with these girls and their vocal cords?" I hear Rehan complain

"Oh,Jess,this is Rehan.Rehan,Jess " I introduce them

"Hi" she said meekly .What is wrong with her?Jess being meek is like the sun being cold.

In reply,Rehan just nods before asking the driver to continue.Cant this pompous guy give a proper reply to a girl?

After a few minutes of watching Jess stare at Rehan,I ask her whether she agrees on my viewpoint about him.

"Oh come on!He is gorgeous and classy....JUST perfect"she purrs.WHAT THE HELL??


Haha....there !!One more chapter done!!

Let me know if you enjoyed it.

Love ,
Luthfa ❤️

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