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Less than two minutes had passed since we had been standing outside the class.

"I am bored" Rehan groans

"Bored??of all the things you could be,YOU ARE BORED??" I unleash my fury at him.I have never been punished in my entire school life and this is my first time.Rehan is surely a bad influence.

"I can only look at the concrete and cement for a 60 seconds." Okay!He actually had a point.Staring at the wall was boring but I was scared and my fear dominated my boredom .

"Dude" I try explaining to him "It's our first day,first class and we are already out"

"So?" He looks confused

"Urghh!!Were you always like this in your school over there?" I am disappointed with his maturity

"What do you want?" He looks at me,straight in the eye.

"How about going home?" I ask him,excited.

"And be expelled forever?"

"I could fake a serious illness "

"Cool.And it spread to me too.Contagious diseases these days "

"No.." I disagree " that would lead to suspicion"

"How about me being your chauffeur?"

"Better" I nod,visibly pleased

"This way,ma'am" he points in the direction of the corridor and we slowly sneak away not before leaving a note for Jess.

On the way out,we see someone coming in our direction

As he neared us,I realised that it was Adil and I slowly hid behind Rehan. My efforts were in vain as he had already seen me.

"Hey" he waved to me,smiling

"Hi" I slowly stepped out,from behind Rehan

"Layla ,right?" He directs his whole attention to me while giving Rehan just a nod

"Yeah" I am speaking in monosyllables ,since when ?? And I embarrassed myself the first time we met.

" the happens to all the newbies,don't worry" he tried to comfort me.So were all of them affected by his presence or was it just stage fear or was it both ,like me??

"Thank you" I say,in a breathy voice .

" problem.Eleventh ,right?

"Yeah" come on!Say something other than 'yeah' s

"Great!See you guys later then" he smiled and walked away. He smiled at me.Omg,he smiled at me.I am going to faint,I think.

"Snob" Rehan,who had stayed silent the entire conversation ,muttered under his breath

"What does that mean?" I hadn't heard that word before

"Something like 'Jerk' "

"He isn't a jerk.He is awesome" I defended him.

"He remembered my name " I scream,fangirl style

"You told it to him just today morning " Rehan pushes it aside

"But he even knew that I fainted "

"Like it is easy to forget a human being who crumpled in front of you lesser than five hours back"

"He said,most of then faint.I dont think he remembers everyone's names"come on!A girl has her fantasies.

"Well,you never know,he would" what is wrong with this guy?

"Snob" I say,walking away.He jut chuckled.

We reached home after successfully fooling the security and am happy that watchman uncle had gone somewhere or he would have seen right through my lie.

Ma looked completely surprised as she opened the door.

"I thought you said that it was a full working day" she said,while putting the latch back in

"It was,but the Principal decided to let us go" I can't tell her that I was kicked out of class

"oh,I'll call Jess's mom and tell her that I'll come over early then" Urghh!i hated it when moms become buddies.

"No,she wouldn't be home yet.The Principal just gave us a half day holiday" I suck at lying,I know

"And the reason?" She was getting suspicious

"Her father passed away under unexpected circumstances" Rehan pitched in. Thank you very much for such a believable lie.*claps*

"I thought her father passed away  more than two decades back" she mused.Rehan is so going to be dead today.

"Yes..but this is another one.Not the biological one,she was adopted" Okay,that was too much but I just couldn't afford  being caught.

"But she has never told me about that .Poor thing" Ma and Princi were college mates.please fall for this ,please.

"So,you see!We were told about it and she let us go" I explain,with a bright smile .

"But,wait,shouldn't she give the entire school ..."

"Ma...I have to use the bathroom " I run up the stairs talking two steps at a time. If she ever knows the truth,I will be grounded forever.

After a few minutes of aimlessly surfing online and chatting a bit with Jess about our escapade ,I was about to go down for dinner when I heard the 'ping' of the text message alert.

"Dearest Layla ," it started
"Watching you glide in that blue salwar,today morning in the assembly,I have never seen such a beautiful girl in my entire life.I saw you walking with steps of determination but the minute I took a look at your face ,I knew you were scared.But don't you worry,my darling ,for everyone has had stage fear at one moment of their lives.The moment you fell,I wished that I could catch your delicate frame in my arms .

My wishes and dreams are not always granted,darling and one of them is YOU.

I just thought you should know that after today morning,my adoration for you has increased ten fold."

The number wasn't from my contacts.My heart rate increased.

"Who is this ?" I texted back

"just an admirer ;) " the reply came within seconds.

Now what have I got myself into.


A late upload,I know,but here you go.

Luthfa ❤️

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