A Vacation?!?!

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Talking " ", thinking this
Hi this is my first fanfiction! Please tell me what you think of the first chapter!
Toshiro's POV
I was alone in my office doing my paperwork when I realized that my lazy lieutenant wasn't here.

"Tch, where could that Rangiku be? Probably out drinking again. I believe she said something about having a meeting with head captain, What kind of excuse is that?"

Suddenly Rangiku came crashing in and yelled "You better starting packing captain because you're going on vacation!!!"

"What do you mean vacation?"

"I mean a real vacation! No hollows no paperwork, just relaxation. You're going to be staying with Kisuke!!!"My loud lieutenant yelled.

" Oh yeah, and how did you get head captain to agree to let me have a vacation?"

"Have you seen yourself lately?! You haven't slept in about a week, you've got bags under your eyes, and you get mad at the tiniest things!!

Last week at the captains and lieutenants meeting you fell asleep three times!! And the other day when you bumped into two girls while walking you started yelling at them for being in the way!! Then yesterday you were so tired you started crying because Momo cut a vegetable, then five minutes later you were dying of laughter from watching the way a leaf fell from a tree!!! I mean it was hilarious but still" (I feel like this totally describes what it's like to be on your period.)

"Okay I admit that I have not been in the best of moods lately but honestly I don't need a vacation"

"Yes you do, all of the captains and lieutenants agree, well except you of course."

"Ugh fine when do I leave?"

"Yay!!! Your vacation starts in one week!!!

What did you think of the first chapter!! I hope you like it!! I'll try to update regularly but school is going to start up again soon. Also sorry this chapter is short, I'll try to make the next one longer.

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