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Toshiro's POV
I have no idea if I should ask her if she wants to dance!!! Alright just do it!

"Hey Karin, do you want to dance?"

"I'm alright, I can't dance very well. Thanks though."

"No problem."

Some random girls started flirting with me, ugh...

She looked at me, her eyes widened and she said "Uh, you know what, I would love to dance!"

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto the dance floor.

"Okay... how do you do this?" She asked blushing.

"Okay, so hold my right hand and put your other hand on my shoulder, and I'll put my left hand on your waist."

"Okay I've got it!"

"Perfect now follow my lead."

"With you being so short, it's almost hard to dance!"

"Oh shut up, I've gotten taller!"

"But you're still short!"

"Just you wait Karin Kurosaki, on your birthday I'll be taller than you!" (It's May 6th so in summer it would be a little less then a year.)

"Oh sure you will!"

"We're supposed to be dancing you know?!"

"Okay, then lets do that!" She replied blushing slightly.
Third person POV just cause I feel like it.
After their small conversation, Karin and Toshiro danced like pros, they took over the whole dance floor and everyone just watched how well they worked together.

After a little while they decided to take a break and get some snacks.

"Ooooh! Chocolates!!!" Karin yelled. Are these yours Ichigo?!"

"Yeah, 'Yuki' gave them to us." Ichigo answered. "You can have some."

"Thank you Ichigo!!!!"

After a few minutes of eating chocolate Karin felt dizzy and her cheeks were bright pink.

"Uh Karin you okay?" Toshiro asked.

"Yeah, of course I am silly goose!" Karin replied slurring her words.

"Oh no, those chocolates must've been alcoholic chocolates! Karin you're drunk, not to mention you're also underage. I'm taking you back to the room."

"Hey Ichigo, Karin accidentally got drunk, I'm gonna take her back to our room."

"Okay." He quickly answered. He's hanging out with Rukia, that's why he barely noticed me. Toshiro thought.
Okay I know this is really short but the next scene is gonna be I bit long I think and I wanted to update today so sorry! Also thank you to all of the people who read this fanfic!! This story has over 150 reads!!!! That makes me really happy! Also feel free to comment! Till next chapter!

One... interesting cruise (Hitsukarin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ