Out of a Bush!

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Talking " ", thinking this
In Karakura town
Karin's P.O.V
"Kurosaki family meeting!!!!!!" That idiot I call dad yells.

"Okay we got it dad!!!!"  Ichigo and I yell in sync.

When we got downstairs Yuzu was already there waiting with dad for us to come down.

"Alright Kurosakis'!!!!!! Now that summer has vacation started..."

"Come on!!! Out with it already!!"

"Calm child, now that summer vacation has started we are going on a cruise!!!!!!!"

"Really?! Awesome!!!!!!!" Me and my brother yell in sync. While Yuzu just giggled, dad probably told her a while ago.

"Yup!! And we leave in two weeks!!"

"Sweet! I can't wait!!!"

"There's only one rule: you must bring a date."

"Yay!!!!" My sister excitingly screams while I just have a "why" or "noooooooo" face.

Ichigo's fine, he's probably gonna bring Rukia. (A/N yes I ship them, if you don't ship them sorry.)

But me, I'm doomed. I've never really liked anyone, well I guess there was that shorty Toshiro, but he's a captain! He's most likely not going to just randomly come and visit Karakura town.

"Do we have to?"

"Yes it is necessary other wise you can't come with us."

That's harsh.

"Okay I'll find someone."

One week later (Spongebob narrator voice)
And in Soul Society.
Toshiro's P.O.V.
"Well it's been a week, I guess I'm on vacation now. I don't know what I'm going to do, anytime I go to Karakura town it's usually to kill hollows or  keep an eye on someone or something depending."

"I guess I'll visit the Kurosaki family, well maybe just Ichigo. Or that girl Karin, but she probably would rather be with her other friends."

"I'm sure you'll find something to do!!!" Rangiku basically screams in my ear.

"Well I won't be able to do much if you make me go deaf!!!!!"

"Sorry! I'm just so excited that you finally get a vacation!!" She giggled.

"It has been a while since I had a vacation I admit."

"A while?! It's been at least one hundred years!"

"Yeah yeah, well I'm on vacation now so I better get going. Make sure you do your paperwork otherwise I'm going to have a lot more when I get back!"

Suddenly Shuhei, Izuru, and Renji popped out of a bush! Why would they be in a bush?!

"Oh don't worry captain Hitsugaya, we'll make sure she does it." Shuhei says as if he normally joined our conversation! I mean is it normal to come out of a bush?!

"Uhhhhh, thanks. I guess. I better get going, bye."

I stepped through the Senkaimon (I don't know how to spell it! Help) and the next thing I knew I was at Kisuke's place.
Yay this chapter's longer! What's gonna happen next? Hopefully I'll be able to update soon. Hope you liked chapter two!!

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