Chapter One.

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Title: Harry Potter and The Bungling Teacher.
Author: Beth Brownell
Summary: This story deals with the Masons coming over to dinner and what if they knew about Harry and what happens afterwards.
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): None at all.
Feedback: desired especially if it is to agree with my thoughts on that idiot teacher Lockhart.
Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Fudge, Dumbledore, Snape, Lockhart, and various other students and staff members of Hogwarts.
What Universe is this set in? : Alternate Universe.
Notes: I been wondering what would happen if the Dursleys had to reveal Harry to the Masons. Everyone will be out of character as this started as a 'What if scenario' of the first part of COS and it ended up getting a life of its own now. I am also bringing in two characters that would be normally seen in book three and yes, he is free as things will be explained. The idea about Lockhart came from my friend Devona.
Disclaimer: I am only borrowing the characters that JKR created for a short time and I'm not receiving any money for this story. JKR is a Goddess for blessing us with them.

Harry Potter and The Bungling Teacher.

"All right, in the living room everyone. Let us go over the schedule for this evening. Petunia, you will be - ?" asked Vernon.

"In the lounge," said Petunia, waving her arm towards the couch. "Waiting to welcome them graciously to our home."

"Good. Dudley?"

"I'll be waiting to open the door and greet them with a warm smile," Dudley put on a fake smile.

"They'll love him!" cried Aunt Petunia.

Vernon, Dudley and Petunia turned towards Harry. Vernon growled. "And you, boy?"

"I'll be up in my room making no noise and pretending I do not exist."

"Too right you will, boy. With any luck, this could well be the day I make the biggest deal in my career."

The doorbell rings sending the music of 'God save the Queen' into the air, as Vernon quickly hissed to Harry to move his body up to his room as they all quickly move into place.

Harry quickly head up the stairs and only pause long enough to hear the Masons being introduced to Dudley before he entered his room and closed the door.

It was not long after the Masons entered the living room. Mrs. Mason looked at the pictures of Dudley and it looked like she was searching for another photo of someone else as well.

"So Petunia tell me where is the photos of your nephew, Harry Potter?" asked Mrs. Mason turning around to look at Petunia. "I see many photos of your son, but none of your nephew who you are raising?"

Petunia looked at Vernon shocked before turning back to Mrs. Mason. "I do not have a nephew by that name."

"But you do. I did my homework on your family, Mr. Dursley. When I get into a business deal with anyone, I find out everything about that person and after talking to your neighbors we learned a great deal about your family. We both know about you and your family raising young Mr. Potter since he was a baby. Now, where is that young teenager?" asked Mr. Mason looking towards them.

"Just a moment, Petunia pour them some drinks as I go find Harry," said Vernon as he forced a smile on his face. He headed out of the living room and into Dudley's bedroom and grabbed another dinner jacket and some better clothes from Dudley's closet.

Vernon went to Harry's room and entered to see him sitting at his desk reading a book. "Potter, get into these clothes in two minutes and come downstairs immediately. Also do something with that hair of yours!" Vernon growled.

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