Chapter Seven.

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Chapter Seven.
Potion class.

The next day, was Potions – double potions with the Slytherins. Harry was not doing well at all. He was still nodding off in class only to be awakened by a hard elbow in his stomach by Ron.

"Come on, Harry. You cannot fall asleep in Snape's class at all or he'll give you detention!" whispered Ron, loudly.

"I know that! I just can't help it. I'm exhausted," said Harry yawning tiredly.

Snape was already in the classroom as he watched as the students walked into the class. He noticed that two students were sluggish at best, sleepy – Harry Potter and Gretchen McNair. He pulled out couple vials and snapped, "Potter, McNair, my desk now." The two students went up to Snape's desk. "Why are you two so sluggish?"

"My apologies sir," Gretchen said. "But Mr. Potter and I have been up due to our detention."

"With Professor Lockhart, sir. And coming from me; sir that was not a detention but a punishment." Harry said, softly, yawning tiredly.

"What did he have you do?" Snape asked angrily.

"He had Harry answer his fan mail and I think he must have had about three hundred bags to go through. He made me sign his name on his photographs. I had to sign over five hundred photos!" snapped Gretchen, yawning a few times while she spoke.

"I don't believe this," Snape hissed.

"Yes sir she's telling the truth." Harry said with a yawn. He was so tired he couldn't see or stand up straight. All he wanted to do was lie down and sleep.

"Believe it, sir. If you do not mind, but could we be excused from this class. We will be a danger to the class. I'm sure we can do the potion this weekend," said Gretchen.

"No, you may not leave this class, Ms. McNair. Drink this vial both of you," hissed Snape, as he handed them both a vial. "It's to energize you till tonight when you will return to my office to get a dreamless sleep potion."

"But sir, we do not have nightmares?" Gretchen said, shocked.

"He wants us to meet him tonight to sign more autographs and answer fan mail," Harry quickly stated, giving Gretchen a glance then turned back to Snape.

"Then, I shall meet you tonight after dinner." said Snape. "Now, drink up."

"Yes sir," they said in unison. They drank down the vial and they felt more awake like someone had given them a cold shower.

"Now get to your seats and start working on the potion that is on the board. Both of you are working together on this potion." Snape whispered.

"Yes, sir," They said, in unison as they started to work on the potion together.

They felt much better as the potion progressed. By the end of class, they felt more awake than they did at the beginning. Even though, Snape did not like to favor Gryffindor, he did give Gryffindor House fifty points along with the Slytherin House, when he saw how well Harry and Gretchen worked together. It was like that Harry didn't mind being paired up with Gretchen. It was a good double potion. He even noticed that Neville didn't melt his cauldron like he normally would. He did recall the threat of having detention with Lockhart if the cauldron melted.

TBC . . .

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