Chapter Five.

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Chapter Five.


That morning at breakfast, Fred and George got a Howler from their mum yelling at them for hexing their younger brother's trunk to pop open at the wrong moment. They promptly apologized to Ron for the hex and fled from the room.

Harry wondered why was there a space missing for the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. "Who knows who our new DADA teacher is?"

Ron shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know. She wasn't here this morning or last night."

"We're going to be late for Herbology!" yelled Hermione, as they all went rushing from Great Hall.

They went through the courtyard where the Whomping Willow is seen. The branches wave with an invisible breeze as many kids tease it before rushing off towards class. They reach the greenhouse number three, where the other students in their class were already walking into the building. The class dealt with mandrakes. Hermione as usual showed off her knowledge of the plants and gained several House points for Gryffindor.

Their next class was Defense Against the Dark Arts and they were going to find out who their new teacher was since their last teacher died the previous year. They all sat down and wondered where their new teacher was and who she was. When the door leading to the office of the teacher opened up and revealed their new teacher wearing a gold cloak with matching clothing under it.

"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class. Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and the five time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award," He flashed his most charming smile at the class.

A few students moaned and some sighed. It was not who they had expected to have as their teacher. They knew why they didn't see the new teacher at breakfast today. They all wondered if he was going to be proved to be a better teacher than Quirrel was or worse. They all got ready to learn.

"All right, class, as you know I am new to teaching as you can probably tell. I'm going to try my very best teaching you what I know. So let us begin with roll call, when I call your name please raise your hand and say here," Gilderoy said, with a flash of his smile.

Soon, roll call was done and everyone wondered what they were going to learn as they watched him count some papers on his desk. They hoped that he was not going to test them about what they had learned from their previous teacher or something like that.

"All right class, it's time for a pop quiz," Professor Lockhart said, flashing one of his famous smiles at them.

In the back several Slytherins snarled. Harry and Ron groaned. Longbottom buried face in his arms and cried. The girls in the class but for a few of them all smiled wondering what type of quiz it was.

Draco Malfoy placed his hand on his stomach and groaned. "Oh my stomach hurts...oh I must see the nurse."

"Oh shut up, Draco!" hissed a very pretty Slytherin, who sat couple of seats behind him.

Lockhart seemed obvious to the moans of his students as he passed out the test. Hermione Granger sits up rather proudly accepting the quiz from him. "Oh goodie a quiz on the first day, thank you, Mr. Lockhart."

Morrigan Cain and Gretchen MacNair glared at Hermione. Gretchen did her best Hermione impression. "Thank you Mr. Lockhart for the wonderful quiz I hope you give us lots and lots of homework." She batted her eyes and did a flip of her hair.

All of the Slytherins in the room starts laughing before they started to look at the quiz that was placed in front of them. The Slytherins all start to whisper about the quiz. The two girls looked over the quiz and looked at each other as they started to whisper what the questions were on the quiz.

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