part 6

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As Mark made his way down the carpeted hall to the red door with my non-verbal commands with the chain. I could tell he was doing everything he could to please me by staying in the correct position and roll his hips as he moved at the same time. Smiling a small bit to myself I thought about giving him a swat for it but more than anything I just wanted him home in my play room and in my bed for tonight or better yet, if this went well... forever.  

Mark stopped short as we came to the door and it opened on its own to a different view of the alley and Rex holding the limo door open. Without missing a beat he tips his head to me but completely ignores Mark, "Sir, all has been arranged as you requested. Will there be anything else, Sir?" Without missing a beat I answer knowing that when we arrive home all the staff will be gone and instructed not to return till Monday so that if all go's well Mark and I will have plenty of time together. "No Rex, that will be all." After directing Mark into the back and getting in myself Rex just nodded his head almost imperceptibly and closed the door to head home. Now that we are underway I take a good look at Mark and see that he is still in position with his ass in the air. "Remove your shorts and then kneel as you did in the club Slave." I couldn't tell what exited him more about the command but he completed it as fast as he could in the moving vehicle. After he removed the shorts he went back to kneeling with his head down and arms braced behind him to flex his muscles in a provocative way. Not saying anything I just looked out the window as the limo headed home, if I didn't I know we would not make it home to were the fun would truly begin. 

The drive was only about 20 min.s but felt like hours when we finally pulled up outside my home. I didn't give Rex the chance to get the door I just got out and went to head up to the door. When I didn't hear the door close I turned to see why and was pleasantly surprised if a little disappointed to see that Mark had not moved an inch. "Come Slave, on your feet to my side now." I could see his cock swell more at the tone and firmness to my voice. Without looking back at Mark I turned and held out my hand, it was only a few moments till Mark was at my side gently placing his leash into my hand for him to be lead were I wanted him. The joy that small act of submission brought was eminence, it just goes to show that even if he doesn't know it fully he is a sub at heart. Not a word was said after that as I tugged on the leash to keep him close as I headed up stairs to the only room that Mark had never been in, my play room. As I walked up to the door I pulled out a chain with an old fashion silver key from around my neck to open the door. Without turning I gave Mark some simple instructions after all I want to see the reaction when he sees the room I had made and the changes I did with him in mind. "Keep your head down and your eyes closed." 


The sound of Kai's voice has always turned me on when he was firm and making a point but this, this is like nothing I have ever felt as I followed his orders and felt him tug on the leash to lead me into the room. I cant help the tingle that creeps down my spine as I feel the leash fall to dangle down and caress my body as I try to steady my breathing. I could feel the heat coming off of him as he came to stand in front of me. "Head up and open your eyes. You may look around but do not move from this spot." As I did I couldn't hide the gasp as I seen things that I had only dreamed about,that I wanted Kai to use on me and do to me as well as things I had no idea what they were or how they were used. 

I couldn't help it but my eyes kept going back to the paddles and crops and shuddered at the thought of him using them on me tonight, if I'm lucky. After a few more moments he just turned and walked to the wall ti take down a few different paddles only to stand next to a bench like thing. "Come over here and lay over this and grab your ankles." As I did what he said I couldn't help but notice that it's as if made so that when I grab my ankles it will make my ass stand out and up at an angle. "Spread your feet so that they are touching the legs of the bench.... Don't move. Now I am going to warm that ass of yours so that it has a nice bit of color to it. After every lick you will Say 'Thank you Sir may I have another,' but nothing else  ___ but you may express yourself as needed as long as you do not cum. If you do this will turn into a punishment. Do you understand me?"


Shaking his head he spoke to me as calm as he could "Yes Sir, I understand." As soon as that was said I let him feel the sting of the paddle as it connected with his backside. With a sudden in hale at the sharpness of it he let out a breathless "Thank you Sir, may I have another?" And so it went for some time as more and more he moaned and begged for more with each and every request of  "Thank you Sir, may I have another?"  

After what had to be the hundredth hit on his cherry red hot and ultra sensitive backside I then  moved away from him so I could see the whole effect. My God he is a sight of pure beauty looking like this with his ass in the air and bound in my playroom his body covered in sweat and withering in pleasure and anticipation at what I will do next.  As I moved away to get something to help him with the sting and soreness that he will feel when I get him up I couldn't help but to pause at the sounds of him moaning and whimpering of loss of the pleasure that I had given him, a pleasure he never knew he  could feel till now. "Shhhh now, you did very well, very well indeed now I want you to meet me down stairs in the living room when you feel you have caught your breath can make it safely." With that I released him from his restraints and helped him to stand while I rubbed his lower back. I don't think that he realized that when I did that he let out the sexiest little whimper and buried his head into my shoulder as he found his balance while I walked him to the bed in the room and leaned him on it. Then with a kiss to his forehead I left to give him time to process what he felt and what he felt about what happened in here. As I walked down to the living room I couldn't help but hope that this turned out OK, because if nothing else I realized that I cant go back to being just friends after seeing the way he came apart and enjoyed what was done tonight, I want a real relationship with him and with this being a large part of me I cant just put it away. I've seen how it could be between us and I want it now and in the future. 

Late Night At The Office (BoyXBoy) uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now