Part 3

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I followed Kai to a small round booth with large pillows here and there. "As long as you are good you may use a pillow to kneel on." With that I sat the way he told me to on my knees with one are wrapped around his thigh, no matter what I couldn't hide the small smile from my face as he started running his fingers through my hair without thought. After a few minutes of me looking around at all the things going on the stage lights came on and the most beautiful woman I had ever seen came on stage wearing a purple and black leather corset that looked as if she leaned over to far her large breast would come toppling out and a very short leather skirt that barely covered her thong, but what drew my attention most was the two nearly naked twins wrapped around her long leather clad legs. I couldn't help but to stair at them they were breathtaking, they were built like a gods with there piercing blue eyes and dark blue/black emo hair cuts. "Now my lovelies as you all know I'm Mistress Kioko and I have been informed that one of our members would like to welcome his slave to our little play room. So with out father adu ..." With that she stepped back as Sir rose from his booth and pulled me up with him onto the stage. I started to kneel at his side as I had been but he pulled up on my leash and I heard the command in his voice as he spoke and I could barley contain my shiver of pleasure. "Stand slave. I have brought a prospective slave for myself and intend to show him the pleasure that this life can hold. With that in mind I will have him available for a short bit of time for a teasing session, but you are only allowed to use hands and mouth's no foreign objects. ... And no penetration that is reserved for me alone." With that he lead me to a back room that looked as if it was to both torture and tease you. 

 As we walked into the room I didn't know were to look. There was a large king size bed in the center of the room on a raised platform that was covered in what looked like blood red silk with a number of different sized pillows. There were things that I had no idea what were but I hoped that I would get the chance to find out what all this was for.


As we walked off the stage I could hardly contain myself, I have thought about doing this with him for so long and now I finally have my chance. After coming into the room I had chosen before hand I let him look around to see what was in here so I could gage his reaction to what was here. Unfortunately he didn't show much but I would change that soon enough. I lead him to the center of the room so I could prepare him. "You will stay here with your head bowed until I tell you different." "As you wish Sir." I couldn't help the pleasure that raced up my spine at his words. I went to the wall and lowered the chains for the center of the room were he was. Before going back to him I went to a large built in cabinet, I knew exactly what I wanted and took out the large spreader bar with the chain hook on it, I also grabbed the flogger,crop and a blinded fold. Walking back to my slave I let him see what I had gotten for him as I laid them on the bed in front of him. I couldn't help the satisfaction that I got at hearing his sharp intake when he seem the flogger and crop. "Now slave I want you to stand with your legs spread so I can attach the bar to you and the floor. Aaahhh There we go now I want you to raise your arms so that I can attach them to the over head chains." As I did I let my hands run across his body some here and there when he was secured I walked back to the wall so that I could raise the chains so that he was pulled tight between the chains and suspended off of the ground a few inches. I took my time walking back over to him and picked up the flogger and slowly rand it across the back of his legs. "Do you know what this is for slave?" In a breathy voice I heard him say, "No Sir, are you going to tell me what all you are going to do to me?" "In time slave in time. For now I am just going to play with you and you are going to be quiet and not make a sound, is this understood?" He just nodded his head yes. I drew back my hand and gave him a hard swat across the ass, "When I ask you a question I expect an answer not a shake of the head is that clear?" "Y... yes Sir ... I understand..." With that i walked back to the bed and exchanged the flogger for the crop. I couldn't resist and ran it up and down his chest giving him playful little taps here and there. "Do you know what this is?" He started to nod again but stopped himself, "Yes Sir its a riding crop." Damn I was hoping he would have forgot, "That's correct... Now I am going to put the blind fold on you and you will remain quiet unless I say you can speak." After putting the blind fold on him I picked up the flogger again and proceeded to spank him on the soles of his feet with just lite pressure. I couldn't help the satisfaction as such a small thing made him take a sharp intake. I slowly caressed the back of his caves and thighs with is as I walked around him, giving him little swats here and there as I did just to put him on edge. I could see that he was enjoying it by the way that he would let out soft moans when I would connect with his beautiful body and if that wasn't enough there was no hiding his erection, judging by his size I knew that it was paining him to have it confined in the tiny leather shorts I had made for him. "Slave do you like what i'm doing to you?" "Ye ... yes S..Sir." "This is the one time I will give you this so think carefully before you answer, if you wish me to stop and go no further with you then speak if you chose to finish out our night before you make up your mind then just say so." I can't help but give him the choice even though I hope that he wants to stay with me not just for tonight but for ever. "I ... I am yours. Do with me as you wish ... Master."

With thoughs words I started with the basics and established a safe word of 'Indigo' and what it truly means to be in a Master slave relationship. "Mark there is one thing that you must know and that is that I dont share well with others  at all. Do I make myself clear?"  "Yes Master I understand and I  do not want any one but you Master." I put the crop down on the bed and exchanged it for the blind fold.  Without a word I used it to blind him as I waighted for the few that were outside to come in for his first teasing sesion. "During this you may express yourself as you wish but you still may not use words for this if you do I will be forced to punish you for it do you understand Slave?" With only a slight pause I heard him speek in a soft voice "Yes Master I understand. With that I walked to the door to let the gest in to have a little fun.

Late Night At The Office (BoyXBoy) uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now