Late Night At The Office (BoyXBoy)

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Base idea for Kai ---------->


Leaning back at his desk Kai let out a sigh as he stretched his aching back. Talking to himself he mumbled "I really need to stop doing these all nighters back to back like this." Deciding it was a ok time for a break he got up and walked to the break room to make a fresh pot of coffee. "Hey, Mark! Come take a break with me man we've been at this all night I think we deserve a coffee break." I could'n help looking at him as he stared at his computer screen. I never could figure out why he never had a girlfriend, I mean who could resist him with those steal grey eyes and thick blue/black hair. I have seen him without his shirt on before and I could barley control myself with all those muscles and in all the right places, he could put that actor from those fast and the furious movies to shame. At 6'7" he can be so intimidating to those that don't know him, but thankfully he's not like that with me. As he got up from his desk I had to stifle a moan at seeing him stretch out the kinks from his back, oohh that man is like poetry in motion. I just wish he was interested in me just a little but after 4 years of being in love with him I'm glad that he and I have become such great friends and partners at the office. That's some comfort in it's self I guess.



Oh God I need to get over this shyness I have when it comes to Kai, I know that he's gay but even after all these years I still haven't told him that I'm gay as well. How do you tell your best friend that you have been in love with him for years? Hell I haven't even been able to be with anyone else when I've tried to all I see are his deep green eyes with that shoulder length dark brown hair with his rebellious red streaks. Just thinking about his slim toned body naked beneath me I can feel my jeans get tighter. I glance up as I hear the object of my fantasies

"Hey, Mark! Come take a break with me man we've been at this all night I think we deserve a coffee break." I know if I say anything it's going to come out as a moan so I just hold up one finger in the 'just a sec' sign. I have to get this under control I can't stand up with this raging hard on like I have for him. I just have to breath and pretend to type for a minute to give myself time. Shit it doesn't help that I can feel him looking at me, I've noticed it more and more lately I wonder if he noticed me always having a semi when he's around and that's why?

"OK, I'm good for a bit I think come on lets go. Hey I know it's Late but I could go for some food. Do you want to come?" Please say yes, Please say yes. "Yea thats a good idea I wasn't looking forward to raiding the vinding machine for something. Hahaha. Here let me call Rex he can meet us down front." I couldn't help the smile on my face I knew for a face he didn't eat that crap but knew that I would. He's always doing things like this, just taking charge when you look at him you wouldn't know it but he can be strict and firm but in a very caring way. It's just one more thing to love about him.


I can't believe it he asked me out to eat again. I'm going to do it I know I can have Rex drive us some were. "Hey I'll meet you at the elevator I got to grab something from my office right quick." "Sure." As I walked into my office I was pulling out my cell to call Rex, He Picked up on the second ring as always. "Yes Sir Mr. Kai, how can I help you?" Grinning at his shit I couldn't hold the laugh in "Cut the crap Rex, I need you to bring the car around front and make sure that my black leather case is back there. I'm finally going to do it. God I hope this don't back fire on me." I could be honest with him he was like my brother I trusted him with everything that was important to me and he knew it too. "Yea, look Kai man don't worry I'll have it there for you I just glad your finally going to do it. Hell I was getting tired of watching you two lust after each other. I know that it will work just be yourself. Ok. Look I'll be there in 5." With that he heard a click as the line went dead. I just hope he's right I don't want to loose him in my life, even if he is just a friend. As I reached the elevator I could tell something was on his mind, I just hope it didn't interfere with my plans.

Late Night At The Office (BoyXBoy) uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now