part 7

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"Come here and sit down Mark, we need to talk...." I didn't have to look at him to know he had come to the entry way to watch that I made it down the stairs Ok, that is just who he is.  As I walked to him I couldn't help but feel nervous that I did something wrong, after all he said that I would be his slave for the entire night and my night isn't up yet....  I slowly walked up to him and in a bold move I decided that I should sit at his feet like the subs at the club had for there Masters so I could try and make up for whatever I did to upset him.  "You have no idea what it does to me to see you like this, but Mark I need you to look at me to make sure you fully understand this and what I would like to happen here." When he said that I slowly raised my head to look at his chest but no higher for fear that he would not like it after all he told me a good Sub never looks a Dom in the eye unless told to. "Sir, have I done something that displeased you? If so I humbly beg your forgiveness I meant no disrespect in any way. If you tell me what I did I will make sure not to repeat it, just please don't send me away Sir." I spoke in a soft voice as I voiced my plea hoping that he would not send me away. He may not know it but I have always wanted to have a partner that would take care of me in a way that no one else could and I think that I have found it with him. I just know that it wouldn't be the same if it were with someone else.

I didn't realize I let out a soft moan as he cupped my face or that I leaned into his hand as he raised my face to look in my eyes. "Mark you have done nothing wrong and as much as I want this to go on I have come to a realization that I cant do this for just a night or weekend. If we were to do this I would want it to be with you as my boyfriend. I have loved you for sometime but the only things that have held me back are my lifestyle preference and that I always thought that you would be offended in some way that I was interested in you who I have always believed to be a straight man. I need to know what you feel about this and what I am asking of you before we go on from here." With that said I just looked at him and truly thought about what he had said and what it meant for me as well as him. Whether this was something I wanted in my life, that I knew was yes. If I wanted to be his boyfriend, that was also yes. I have loved him for a very long time but thought hat he would never be interested in a relationship with me, after all I have never seen him with anyone consistently but.... "Sir I have a few questions to ask, is that ok?" With a nod of his head I asked what I felt like were things I needed to know. "If I were to be in a relationship with you would it be an open one?" At his raised brow I realized how that sounded, "No ! I meant would I be able to tell people that you were my boyfriend, even show you affection in public or would that not be ok?" "Mark I would never be ashamed for people to know that you were mine and I would be very sure that everyone knew that you and I were together and I do not share what is mine with anyone. So if you were to be with me it would be only me." At that I couldn't help the small sigh of relief and smile, I was glad that he felt that way because I don't think I would be able to keep quiet about him being mine. " Would this be a constant thing or some thing that we would do when ever the mood arose?" "I would like to have this in our relationship as a permanent thing, but know I do not need a constant Dom/Sub relationship. I would always put your needs and happiness first but at the same time I would want you to think of me first as well. Does that answer your question?" With the smile on my face growing I shook my head yes. "I just have one more Sir, why did you never say anything before? I thought that you didn't think of me that way and I had given up hope that you would ever see me that way and had resigned myself to just being a friend even if I could never have you. I had tried to see others but it was never right they weren't you so it didn't work. after a few failed attempts I just stopped. Is that why you never asked me?"


With the sad look on his face I knew that I had hurt him even if I never knew of it then it still bothered me to know I had missed something so important in him. "To be honest Pet I didn't know how you would take this side of me and I didn't want to lose you in my life. But I knew I could no longer hold the feelings for you in and had to take this chance. So what do you think about this kind of relationship with me?" There I did it now I just had to wait and hope I didn't just ruin a great friendship with this man. "I would love to be yours and I cant think of anything in the world that I would want more than to be your boyfriend and your Sub. I have loved you for a long time and I am glade you finely asked me about it." With that Mark through his arms around me and let out a soft laugh of pleasure. "So...." I ask ".... does this mean you will be my boyfriend?" Grinning from ear to ear with more happiness than I've seen on his face in a long time Mark said, "Yes, God yes! I cant wait till Monday though." With a puzzled smile as I ran my hand up and down his side I ask, "And why is that?" "Because now I can finally tell them to stop staring at you and talking about what they think you are like in bed and how sexy your ass is." With that I couldn't help myself and let out a loud laugh as I shook my head at his reasoning. "What about all the ones that ogle you? Hmh? Do you think that I liked the fact that I had women, and a few of the little twinks that run around the building, asking me if you were single or if I could introduce them and put in a good word. I think that Monday may not be soon enough." With that he smiled and rested his head in the crook of my neck and let out a contented sigh. In a low whisper I heard him say "But all of them are nothing now that I have you."

With that I gave him a kiss on his forehead and pulled him up with me. Following me as if that's how it should always be I ask, " So would you like ot move in with me tomorrow or should we wait till Sunday?" I looked over my shoulder when I felt him stop moving and raised a brow in question. "Y.. you want me to move in with you?" With out hesitation I said with all honesty, "Yes I do. I have been without you long enough and I don't want to wait any longer then I have to. I want you in my life, in my home and in my bed. But most of all I need you in my heart all the time, I have no reason to be coy with you, I don't see this just as a short turn thing I want you with me always and everything that goes with it. Do you think you can handle that?" As he looked up at me his eyes held tears that he tried not to let fall and in a wavering voice said, "Yes to all of it, and Sunday is soon enough. I still owe you a night of total Submission and I always keep my word...."

Late Night At The Office (BoyXBoy) uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now