Ravens After Dawn

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This is purely choreography in my head.

This is fanbased off of Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham from the TV series Hannibal. I may or may not go further with this chapter. We'll see.



In a barren wasteland, time stands still. They breathe in the stale, musky air of sweat and grime and regard each other with infatuation.

In the distance, two tornadoes head in their direction.

They are running out of time.

With a screech, the raven flaps its wings, armed with steel feathers. It cranes its neck, red eyes glowing at the approaching threat.

Grunting in challenge, the stag grows its antlers high and far, scruffing its hooves across the stubbled ground.

Before either beast can charge, the tornadoes sweep them up, just as the sun rises to its full peak after dawn.

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