Reminisce Part 2

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The first observation Tony makes, is the lack of another's body heat pressed at his back with his semi-sober conscience. He isn't sure what to think of this , knowing that Steve always joins him in bed no matter the time of day, so Tony puts his Sherlock brain to use and starts pulling clues. Just to be more awesome, he keeps his eyes closed.

Normally the genius would hear scratching noises somewhere nearby, which would usually mean that Steve was sketching portraits or scenery from outside. But just like in the lab, Tony can hear absolutely nothing, not even the busy New York traffic down below. In short, Tony is completely... alone.

Which brings up his next question: Where did his beautiful, blonde veteran go?

Tony whiffs the air, catching a scent of mint. He pops his eyes open, now fully awake, and undresses the bed to escape. He follows his nose while being drawn to the bathroom, where the vague mint grows ten times more pungent. Steve's toothbrush is dry, as well as the sink, but he left the cap to the tube open. Which means that Steve brushed his teeth about a few hours ago. Steve only brushes his teeth in the morning and evening, sometimes in the middle of the day if he plans on going out; Tony is sure that night hasn't fallen yet, but he asks Jarvis anyway.

"Wow. I slept for that long?" Okay scratch that, it is evening, just after seven P.M.. Tony concludes that Steve must have gone out and hasn't come back for a while. He could be somewhere in the tower, but another question to Jarvis confirms his doubts.

"Did he say where he was going?" Tony asks, leaving the bathroom for food instead. His stomach is as empty as can be, protein bars and shots of whiskey leaving his body in a lack of supply in other nutrients. If Steve were here, he'd probably fix Tony up some stomach filling meal with tons of fruits and veggies after waking up; sometimes the veteran has to force feed Tony, one reason being because it's funny, and the second because healthy stuff sucks.

"No sir. But he did ask me to call a cab earlier when you were sleeping." the AI responds. Tony grumbles something incoherent at that.

He enters the kitchen after a quick journey down the hall; he squints at shiny glass bottles, dishes, and other stuff he doesn't care to name littering his kitchen. It looks like a modernized, American, sequined dress with too much glitter. This thought makes Tony giggle- the deranged lunatic he is- and sigh.

The tower feels so empty without his partner....

"Okay, enough with the sappiness Tony." He slaps his cheeks for added effect. "Jarvis, do me a favor and order...oh! That turkey and avocado sandwich Steve likes and some watermelon salad. Throw in two slices of chocolate cheesecake too, while you're at it." Tony practically grumbles the entire order, only perking up some when he adds in the cheesecake. Steve can make him eat healthy all he wants, but when it comes to sugar, Tony is all about cheesecake.

Oh what was that? You thought he was going to cook dinner for his beloved? Well how about you lean in and let Tony tell you a little secret....

Never gonna happen babe.

"Your order has been placed sir. It will be delivered in about ten minutes." Just as always, Jarvis is well organized and polite, much to Tony's annoyance. Sometimes the genius wants the AI to screw up or cuss or something. It's just boring otherwise. But today, Tony will not complain because one, he needs food, and two Jarvis being efficient all the time gives him a few reasons to slack off some. So he nods his head, as though he were communicating with a real person, and rests his sleeve clad elbows on the counter near the sink. Tony is still tired, given that he has only had a few hours of sleep; but he is much better compared to earlier. Steve came to his rescue, Steve carried him, Steve tucked him in bed, Steve--

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