To Court A Familiar Part 1

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This short is dedicated to who requested a male pregnancy theme. Please keep in mind that this is my first time writing such a prompt, and that I have no medical background whatsoever.



"So you would like to stop taking your suppressants?"

James nods his head, an attempt at perfect posture to further encourage his doctor. He knows how to manipulate. He knows the play-by-play of how this works; fake the confidence, feel the confidence, project the confidence. It's the only technique that has worked for him in the industry.

His pediatrician, Robin, pivots on her heel to look at him, nothing but curiosity and a professional interest wanting to shed light on this sudden request. "My I ask why?"

"You may." James nods. "I've been having sex. He wants a baby. I want a baby too."

She clicks her tongue. "Wow."

"Are you shocked, Robin? I thought I told you my plans."

"Seven years ago. I mean, I knew your were sexually active've been together how long?"

"One year."

"Wow," she says again, shaking her head. Her smile is nothing short of radiant, both rows of teeth blindingly white and blood red lips aiming high toward her cheekbones. Robin beams at her little brother. "Oh my God, I'm so happy for you James! Who's the lucky guy?"

"Damon. He's uh, he's my new Owner. Six-foot, so you know, five inches taller than me. He has a really cute nose like Tom Hiddleston. And he's pretty quiet too, patient...." he shrugs shyly.

"Sounds just like you, J. I'm sure you guys are going to be fine." She reawakens the desktop computer by waving a little black mouse situated on the wooden panel to her right. She briefly turns her attention toward the monitor to review James' medical history, including medication he may or may not be taking. Her brother takes the initiative to fill the silence, knowing that this is no better time than to fill her in since Glow. He stutters a few times here and there, his lips flapping uselessly more than once at a nervous attempt at talking. He talks about the courting process, how Damon made mini scrap books for each month they were together; every page has a picture taped to it, a description, and one poem. James has them displayed in the living room above the entertainment system.

Then of course, he absolutely shivers as he remembers the petite intimacy stage they went through about two months into their courting; James had been in a sensitive state at the time and craved touch and recognition every few minutes. This is only because once a Familiar has gotten friendly with their Owner, a deeply rooted desire to get to know him/her is at its peak; staying away means possible sub-drop and separation anxiety, but staying close means 'home' and 'safety'.

And finally, there was the actual mating, which happened about one week ago, where Damon had to track James by scent and nothing but scent in the woods; since they were on old, family property, James was able to map his way through the woods and into one of the cabins with ease. He scented the trees with urine, imprinted false tracks in the snow, but even so, his Owner found him. At that moment, he knew, they both knew, that they were a Match.

"Damn, sounds like an awesome guy. I'd like to meet him sometime."

"You will."

She nods absently, "Right. Any who, back to sex; you want a baby. Awesome."

"So I'm good to go?"

"You didn't let me finish." James rolls his eyes playfully; he knows how much it irritates Robin to be interrupted. "J, you realize that the medication you're taking right now is...the cocktail is a very high dosage. Now the birth control, I'm not worried about; that shi-stuff is the equivalent of a placebo so your body wouldn't have a problem getting used to the sudden withdrawal. But the heat suppressants are completely different. It's like taking an addict off crack. Your body is going to produce a few natural side affects."

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