Thomas Sinew Pulled the Trigger

38 5 11

This short was not requested by anyone, but it is dedicated to the following people: Property_of_Gaara IamGayXD YaoiLuvr4Lyfe Feline_Fan

This short is placed in an Alpha/Beta/Omega verse, and will possibly be written into an actual story. If you guys like the general prompt and themes on relationship issues, then please comment and let me know.



In bed lay a sickly blonde, offering his soul for the taking. The boy, Thomas, pants like a dog in the hot sun and hugs his stomach. The aching there is persistent and annoying. Sickening. He writhes in agony, just burning because his skin is so sweaty and his muscles feel as if they are on fire.

Thomas keeps his eyes shut to keep a headache at bay, brought on by the dim oil lamp placed at his bed side. Runny nose, pounding head, nausea; Thomas is quite sick in the literal sense. Both mentally and physically.

At the foot of the matress he feels their bed dip slightly past the roaring in his ears. "How are you feeling love?" his father asks. A cool cloth ripped from an old blouse is placed on the sick boy. Thomas can only shake his head and wish that he could feel something else cool for once; like his father's hands.

"Still bad huh? Poor thing, you're shivering. I bet you're burning up."

Thomas recoils, a nasty scowl and crinkle working up his nose; his father had just placed a spoon of thick soup against his lips. The metal clinks against his teeth as the blonde refuses to cooperate.

His father, Alec, sighs in exasperation. The warm spoon tucked neatly between his index, middle finger, and thumb droops dejectedly, spilling the soup into puddles on the floor. He puts it back in its respected home and lay the bowl next to their lamp. "You've been like this since yesterday Thomas. You need to eat something tonight, before the sun sets."

Thomas thinks about how magnificent it would be if his savoir came to rescue him in this boiling heat-filled fever. Would he release sedative chemicals and lull little Thomas to sleep? Would he kiss his tiny blonde head? Thomas shivers at the possibility.

"Call...him" the blonde chokes. He coughs sharply and curls up even more to shield his father from contamination. Ragged, wheezing breaths are the after affect to take affect and leave his lungs burning like hot coals. Thomas feels saliva dripping down his chin, adding to the musk and filth.

"I would but I can't." Alec gives no explanation for this reason. All the father does is stare at his feverish son silently, feeling hopeless. The poor thing is having trouble breathing it seems, nothing he can do except give a pat on the back and hope that his husband comes back soon. "He's coming home in a few hours though." Thomas' stomach starts to pulse like a ticking time bomb. Alec frowns. "Thomas?"

"Don't feel good...." Alec barely has time to shove a trashcan beneath his son's lips before Thomas is retching all over their bed. He moans every few seconds and then vomits again, repeating this cycle for what feels like twenty minutes. Alec wishes he could help out, but as an omega, there is nothing he can do except release calming scents, but they aren't working for some reason. The reason could be that Thomas doesn't see Alec as his father anymore, but that possibility is too scary to think of.

Now, a putrid stench fills their room, Thomas is growing paler by the minute, and Alec is cursing his husband for going out into the storm and leaving them there. He tries to be noble all the time, like the selfless alpha he is, but when it comes to family, all of a sudden Rane disappears without a word. Now they're stuck at home in the middle of a thunder storm with no electricity or running water and their sick son. Alec bites his lip, maybe he can convince Thomas to go to bed early. But then again, this is the comfort that Thomas has been craving for a while now and he knows that his son will wait forever if it means seeing Rane sitting by his bedside. He's been neglected by both of them and their constant fighting lately. Just...forgotten.

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