Civil War

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#CivilWar #Stucky #Stony #OtherSurprises???

Dear readers,

        Can I just say how excited I am to write this next prompt (Which @Evangeline74 requested) and that I am VERY impressed with the plot I've drafted? Honestly, I think this next short is going to be pretty damn awesome.

        Although I have everything planned, I want to know what you guys think about featuring our beloved Asgardian/Jotun characters, Loki and Thor.

        Here is a glimpse of what I had been drafting:

•Steve moves on, interested in a new person to make conversation with, and starts dating Tony.

•The first time they build together leads to uncanny flirtation and 80's diners

•They join the Avenger's football team of Shield High

•The Avengers versus The Asgardians, how Thor joined Shield High, leaving Loki behind at Thanos High who renames his team, Jotun

        Does this appeal to you? Am I the only one who completely fangirls at the mention of Loki and his beautiful self? (Strange how I haven't made a fanfiction for him yet.....)

        Please comment! Thank you for staying with me this far!

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