Reminisce Part 1

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This short was requested by artxamnisia and it is a fanfiction, featuring Anthony Stark and Captain America. You do not  need to know the fandom in order to understand this, but I'm not forcing you to read it either.

In the first part of this short, you will be introduced to a relationship between two men. There is no conflict in this chapter, but definitely expect jealousy, romance, and betrayal in the next. That's all I have to say.



Anthony Stark groans and stretches languidly from his seated position, hearing joints pop at the effort. A bone deep fatigue brought on by week long all nighters has left his body achy, sore, and cramped to the point where even waking up seems too hard.

What would Steve say at a time like this? Something like....

Tony is too unfocused for brain action, he has no energy to make fun of the captain right now. So he settles for letting his eyelids drift shut again, blocking out the dim lights of the lab. He didn't even notice when his head hit the table (pretty hard actually) until screws and puddles of some type of chemical kiss his cheek. Yeah, sleep sounds like a very smart plan from where he's sitting.

"Jar..." he slurs. Tony realizes that the speakers might still be on high volume, so braces himself for the loud response; or tries to, considering that his body feels one thousand times heavier and he can't even manage to lift a muscle, never mind cover his ears.

"Yes sir?" But the AI responds in a low, soothing hum of words; Tony is very, very grateful.

"Steve." he calls. His cheek starts to itch and Tony realizes that he probably should not be having skin contact with the chemical, and that maybe it would be a good idea to move. But Jarvis' lullaby-like voice and drowsy state of mind have rendered him immobile.

"I will call him now sir." Jarvis responds. Tony keeps his lips sealed from then on and waits patiently for his savior to come pick him up from the ashes. Or spare parts, whatever.

Nothing but the sound of his light breathing echoes in the cluttered space of Tony's lab, leaving the genius feeling lonely. Bruce is usually in his company, but as of late the green bean has been called away on long distance trips, both national and commercial, to promote Tony's technology company more. Tony would go himself, if it weren't for the many backstabbers that work for him (the shady bastards).

Tony jerks awake- the most responsive he has been all day- when something warm lay against his forehead, with another 'something' cradling the nape of his neck, preventing the genius from slumping once more. Should he open his eyes to investigate or just assume that this is Steve? Tony decides on the latter and keeps his eyes closed.

"Hi Tony." Steve whispers. The genius hums in response, both in greeting and because the hand on his forehead has migrated toward his scalp; Steve massages there tenderly with the pads of his fingers. "You look like Hell." Honestly, Steve expected to see Tony like this, so he is prepared to perform his famous R&R (rest and rehabilitation) instinctively.

Looks like sleep will be the first priority, judging by the dark bruising beneath his eyes and jello-like fluidity of his movements. Tony may not realize it, but Steve has him standing up and walking out of the lab without so much as another word, only keeping the man's body from tipping over like the Tower of Pisa from time to time. The moment Steve and Tony reach the elevator, Tony is dead weight in his arms and snoring softly.

"Jarvis. Take us to our room please." The elevator shifts on command, increasing its gravity scale momentarily before the weight evens out again, and they are descending the staircase shaped tower fluidly.

From their departure, Steve carries Tony back to his room, cradling the back of his neck for support and both knees tucked on top of the soldier's elbow. The black cotton shirt that Steve is wearing camouflages Tony's hair slightly, adding a darker hue to their bond.

The genius' mane looks...well, a hot mess to be honest, but adorable all the same. Steve remembers having to cut it down one day when Tony decided to be holed up in his lab an entire month; when he came out, his hair nearly reached the line of his shoulders. He tried to fight Steve, saying that he liked his new locks, but the captain knew that Tony was just playing.

Steve finds himself smiling at the memory when he enters their room two minutes later, still not fatigued after carrying his lover down several floors from the lab. But that's just Steve; he's an easily pleased person who loves reminiscing in the times. Both past, present, and future.

He pulls the charcoal grey blanket back and lay Tony on navy blue sheets, propping his head up with a singular, tunnel white pillow. Steve requests for the temperature to be brought down so that Tony will be comfortable with enough air circulation, then resets the blanket over his legs and chest. Tony hardly stirs in his sleep with so much attention being paid to him.

Just as Steve turns to draw the curtains, a tickling sensation causes him to jump in place. He brings his right hand to the pocket in his shorts where the vibration took place and pulls out his phone, smiling even harder when a familiar name pops up on the screen.

Bucky: Hey, what are you doing today?

Bucky is an old colleague from high school that Steve used to hang out with on a daily basis. The same football team, the same part time job, late nights out at fun hangout spots; they did everything together. In their junior year though, Bucky had to move due to his father's work. They were separated, five thousand and six hundred-forty one miles away from here in California; Bucky moved to Germany.

Steve ended up keeping his number, not daring to erase his best friend from his contacts since then. Now, it seems like they might have a chance to meet up after all these years.

The captain twiddles his thumbs around the screen aimlessly before finally deciding on what to reply with.

Steve: Nothing. Are you back in town? Bucky's response is immediate.

Bucky: Yeeessss sir! I'm staying at a hotel right now, near the high school we used to go to. Did you want to meet up? (Please say yes)

Steve glances back at Tony, who is snoring softly again. He's shifted positions, now bearing his front side to Steve, toward the window. He probably won't wake up for a while....

Steve: Of course. What hotel are you staying at? Should I make a dinner reservation?

Bucky: Some place called Steel. And you don't have to. If anything, I think we should just catch a cheap diner somewhere nearby, just like old times. ;-)

Steve: Okay. I'll be there soon!

Bucky: Can't wait! See you.

Steve tucks his phone back into his pocket and freshens up a little in the bathroom, combing his hair, washing his face and brushing his teeth although he's about to eat. He wonders if Bucky grew or if he looks the same as when they said goodbye. Well, I'll just have to find out. he thinks. Steve goes over the different possibilities of how Bucky's appearance might have changed anyway while riding the elevator down to the tower's main level. He asks Jarvis to call a cab, and waits patiently by the lobby doors.

He can't wait to see Bucky!

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