The Evening Passes, A Rose Petal Falls (Part 1)

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The Evening Passes, A Rose Petal Falls

Part 1

Okay guys, it's been a while....

Just a quick reminder that this fanfiction is dedicated to @Evangeline74!

Also, the previous Civil War preview will still be uploaded, but on my own time and obviously, when it's completed. I felt super guilty for making you, @Evangeline74, wait for several months just for the next prompt to be published. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about lack of free time.....

Thank you for bearing with me so far!



The next evening passes

A rose petal falls

One man called—

First name starting with B

Pushed another over

The edge



Was posted in the paper of


Eyes from all Avengers High


The trees looking glum,

Sun infected with red-rash fever

And a strange, brown haired knight

Leaning against his bike

A collection of roses

A gift for

Captain Rogers


Tony felt personally victimized by the Calibri cursive that Ms. Romanoff wrote on the whiteboard. His arms felt numb from sitting directly toward the units AC, goosebumps breaking out from shoulder to wrist, and her overbearing—whatever expensive perfume she bought—was nauseating.

Only two minutes into the lecture, he exhaled and rubbed at his red-rimmed eyes; first period was always the hardest to wake up to.

Most of us regard good luck as our right, the widow recited, standing stiff, ginger hair coiffed neatly upon her shoulders, and bad luck as a betrayal of that right. She sipped at her water bottle and turned her attention toward the double-pane windows, letting in drowsy morning sunlight.

The class was silent but the teenage enthusiast heard everybodys thoughts like static. Even the inferior ones, who, albeit a bit dusty on their argumentative skills, analyzed the quote enthusiastically. It could have been the heat on that humid, Summer day, but maybe Tony felt more empathetic than normal for just a little while. Of course, another reason for the classrooms audible thought process may perhaps be because students were murmuring quite audaciously upon the wooden desks, passing notes along or texting the latest school news.

I wont say that you havent experience betrayal; everyone has. In any form, at any time, manipulated by any person, even the youngest child in the world could be exposed totroubling circumstances.

Of course, Ms. Romanoff would bring that up. Of course, that same week Peggy decided to publish her newest article. Tony was dying to know if the teachers thought that student gossip was the most interesting thing in the world as opposed to Nick Furys recent file for divorce.

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