Author's Note

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Aww...don't groan in impatience now, I know my story is irresistible but don't worry, this will be short. Cuz when i say 'note', I mean it. ;)

NOTE: Play the song to have a better reading experience. Try to adjust the volume to your comfort. Not too loud though or you won't be reading. ==) Get it? ;)   

NOTE2: I will really appreciate it if there aren't any '13 plus' words in the comments. You know, the f word and such. You know what i mean. Don't you? ;)

NOTE3: The music and pictures(unless drawings) aren't originally by me. (dude, don't think too highly of me) I got them from google and youtube. So if you feel uncomfortable having your products or creation being used here, please do private message me at wattpad to take it down. :) 

NOTE4: Don't rush yourself through the chapters. ;) This story is meant to make you smiles your worries away, so you can take it long and slow. :) Or read it when you're bored. ;)

NOTE5: Most important of all, ENJOY!!! :D:D:D

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