The Wait(Part 2)-Chapter 15

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What!!!!! My heart started racing immediately and it was pumping as if it was about to break out of my chest this can't be happening how is this even possible.. Wait Wait so your telling me that they both could DIE!!!.. But there's a chance I could save them and that Sam is pregnant oh God how am I going to tell Jay this..

Doctor- yes but we have to do a blood transaction and they are both AB-   which is a very rare blood type so we have to test as many people as we can to save both of them and the baby

Me- ok you can test me and the baby's father

Doctor- ok ma'am

After the talk with the doctors I ran to Jay and told him about.the situation but I didn't tell him about Sam being pregnant cause I think she would wanna know..

Jay went to go see if his blood type is a match all the while he has so much pain and hurt in his eyes..

Jay A.k.a Killa P.O.V

If I loose Sam I don't know if I can live anymore I would do whatever it is in my power to save her.

The only thing I can do right now is to get tested for a blood match and pray cause right now only god can help me right now. I closed my eyes and started to pray

Jay's prayer

Dear God,

I know it's been awhile but I come to you to ask you to help my future wife Samantha Ann thomas threw this hard ship and to make sure she is in your hands and that she makes out okay in Jesus name


by now I finished my prayer and the nurse came in and took my blood and I hope either me or Trina is a match...

Katrina P.O.V

When the nurse came out she took my blood and I just hope either of us is  a match cause I really can't take no more pain and more more disappointment after me and Jay got tested we waited for 30 minutes and the results came back that.....

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