The Stag Dressed in Rags Persuaded the Blindsighted Girl

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You can choose to analyze this poem, but you don't have to. There is alot of symbolism going on in this for me, but I will not tell you how each character aligns with my life.




"Come with me, and I will take
you somehwere beautiful." The stag whisperes, a serpent's hiss giving a persuasive argument to the young girl. The stag lights up like a million fireflies cloaking a tree and tilts its chin toward the sky.

Alice watches it with fascination. She stays hidden behind a tree, only her shoulders, face, and hands within sight.

The stag whispers fulfilling promises to her. It wants to show her many beautiful things. The sky, the sun, and everything in between. Alice can't help but be selfish.

"Alright." She agrees.

Sit on my rump
Here, right here
I will take you to the other side

Here? Right here?
Your fur is lit up
Just like a million fireflies

Yes, right there
Now hold on tight
My light will shine the way.
If you dare, release my hair
A long journey down will end in pain.

Yes, alright.
The message is
loud and clear.
Take to the skies, o'mighty stag
I can see a shiny star
crying tears.

Patience my child
There is much to see
And a long day
Ahead of us

But look! See!
That star is feeling
We must help it out!
We must! We must!

Quiet child!

You are screaming in my ear.
We had a deal, it's becoming real
Don't shed those tears
Now hold on tight
Don't put up a fight
or I. Will. Bite!

Put me down!
You are just a selfish old stag
Dressed in rags
Nothing but a bad tag
And now I'm mad!
I shouldn't have believed you,
You untrustworthy beast!

Oh, dear Alice
You naive, sweet, dear Alice
The world does not revolve
Around one star
It will scream, it will cry, it will
This selfish old stag
Dressed in rags
And a bad tag
while you are mad
Knows more than you ever will.

I hate you! And your twisted lies.

I have not lied.
You just chose to be blindsighted by the flashing lights behind those eyes.

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