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Let’s play Scrabble

These are the rules:

Diagonal lines, uncensored words

Entirely blunt

No metaphors

Your turn:

My wrists are pulled, tendons stretched,

Twisted until they pop right off

They go on your hips, Sir.


My turn:

I bite the fleshy texture

Of your lips,

Chew them up and wear them

As my own.



Your turn:

Jasmine, cerulean blue eyes

Hold secrets of personal interest.

You smack the back of my cranium

They shoot out from their sockets,

Dangle from a chord of red

A fresh canine mercilessly cuts them down,

Like ripened apples on a tree branch.


My turn:

Blue blood, cold, dead

You gurgle like a newborn baby, choking

Though, life has never been so exfoliated

Of old age

And dead skin

My forehead bashes against those

Porcelain teeth,

Delicious tongue is exposed to me

To eat.

I take it.

Cymothoa Exigua


Now we must take offense

To the rules of the game

For there is limitation,

Action we cannot take

And it is unsatisfying.

Why should the boundaries of our relationship

Be limited to,

Not expressed by,


And heart?

The parts we have taken from each other

Can never be replicated,

Oh, woe is this tragic


Of Scrabble.

What a disturbing, bloody mercenary

Has become of our love.

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