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The lamb tiptoed silently

into his master's waiting abode,

twice the man he was before.

Before tomorrow, before the future

was adamant

and could be discerned through haze,

This needed to happen before Time came!


Screams echoed throughout the corridor

The crickets were lit aflame

Master's little lamb tackled his fear

and crushed it into soil,

said the words he never thought

would be True

How silky the robes were,

Shimmering, slipping through Master's

elongated fingers

As Lamb was in denial

Of his body's true power

The power he contained in a

Holy grail

Holy grail

Holy grail

Yes, the Temptation was Great

but Abstaining was best

His master waited until the grail was filled—

To the brim.

And if the collars, whips, and chains,

solid and grounding,

Were a problem,

Then his lamb would throw them out!

To wear rope instead

Yes, the temptation was great!

Screams echoed throughout the corridor

The crickets were lit aflame

Master's little lamb tackled his fear

and crushed it into soil

said the words he never thought

would be True

There was darkness in love and kindness as well

so His tender care made absolute sense

when the little Lamb crawled into Master's bed,

saying the words he never thought

would be True

The Wait would bring beautiful results, they agreed.


The one that was pure pursed his lips, doe eyes

fulfilling the moon's legacy.

Lamb's brain would never align


with Master's

so, he threw a wish down the well

And it was that he might be granted one kiss

To solidify what they were

Into Passion and Grace.

Not horrid chains.

His holy grail was flooded in Wine immediately

and tipped over, spilling cherry alcohol

across the bed sheets.

The patterns were: daggers, skulls, and thorns.

Master pictured every implement Striking the little Lamb,

The scratches and screams, blood and—

Pain, God, an amazing pain that was their Destiny—it would come

to them both.

Lamb earned himself a kiss for his distressed

and excited Nature.

Master's heavy arousal, slick and glistening


Entered the welcoming heat of His

(little Lamb!)

that night.

And Lamb dared to say the words he never thought

Would be


They were:

My brand from me to you

Is the word, Stockholm


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