(I Think) I Know Who I Am

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Battling with anxiety right now. Here's something I created to keep busy.

She is the middle child
But not the forgotten one
Forever stained, ingrained, inside their hearts

She tastes, sees, feels
Yet uncomfortable in her own skin
She is sex-craved,
For big hands or red nail polish
And doesn't know where to begin

She doesn't want a man
Because that makes her vulnerable.
To the memories
Of her father

Left alone, distracted, she obviously bored Him quickly

But a man is what she wants

Now she does not want a woman, for the goddess Hera is throwing responsibility to the air

Too high of a risk for homicide

But a woman is what she will not have

Just because half her childhood is missing
Doesn't mean Daddy will get on his knee
And propose

It's wrong
She does not need a man

But she needs someone

This is her bi-curiosity
Of exposing (maybe) who she is

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