Chapter 4

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"We are going shopping!" Camilla sings as she barges into my room opening the curtains making me squint at the sun.

"Sounds fun." I mumble, "Now let me sleep."

"It's noon." she says.

"Exactly." I say with a tiny laugh.

"No! Get up!" she laughs.

"Fine." I smile giving in, "I do want to get some new clothes anyway."

"Yay!" she claps her hands together, "It will be so much fun!"

She leaves the room and I slowly get up. I get ready to leave and head down stairs.

"Finally! You're here lets go!" Camilla says grabbing my arm as we run to the car.

I see a black convertible with the roof down. I hop in the back and we go as fast as we can. The wind blows through my hair and all I see is quiet roads with trees on both sides. I take in the scenery as the radio blasts. Camilla and Fiona are chatting quietly and giggling. We drive for miles and seems like we are on an endless road. Finally I see busy streets and cars. I see Big Ben and it's even more beautiful than in pictures.

"We're here!" Fiona says in a sing-song voice.

"It's so nice here. It reminds me of New York a little bit." I tell them.

"Well London is better." Camilla laughs.

"Oh yeah definitely." I agree with her.

We walk around and find different shops and doing some window shopping. I find a few cute things. Moments later I come out of the store with 3 bags of clothes and accessories.

"That was a very productive hour and a half." I beam lifting my bags.

"That was only one store." Fiona points out.

"I know but all there stuff was really cute. I would have bought the entire store of I could." I dreamily sigh.

"I would too! That's my favorite store." Camilla says.

We go to a few more stores and decide to take a quick break for lunch.

"I know a great place just a few blocks ahead." Fiona says.

"Oh yeah! Bar 61 right? They had really good food." Camilla says.

"How does that sound Serena?" Fiona asks as they both look at me.

"Anything sounds good to me right now." I tell them.

"Good! Now let's go I'm starving." Fiona says as we walk to Bar 61.


"So." Camilla smirks as she sips her ice tea, "I want to ask you something."

I nod as I take a sip of my water.

"Do you fancy my brother?" she blurts out.

I choked a tiny bit on my water, covering my mouth so I don't spit my water every where.

"Excuse me?" I ask trying to regain my breath. Maybe hearing them wrong. It is pretty busy right now.

They both laugh at my reaction, "I think you heard what I said." she smirks.

Do I like him? He's really sweet, nice, attractive and funny. I know that. I just don't know if I like him.

"I like him as a friend. I have no idea if I like him. It's too soon to tell." I tell them.

"What's not to like? I saw you staring at him yesterday." Fiona smiles.

"He's cute and sweet. You're single, he's single." Camilla says.

"I am not si-" I stop myself and look down at my finger and realize that I was. It took me awhile to figure out I wasn't wearing my ring and I wasn't engaged. That I was free to do anything I wanted. I could flirt, go on dates,  and go out with my friends and not worry about him worrying about me.

"I am not... Sure about this." I finish my sentence.

"You won't know until you try." Fiona says.

"Why are you guys so supportive of this? Aren't you suppose to be protective of him?" I joke.

"Not really. Plus we think you'd make a cute couple with him." Fiona giggles.

"I've seen how he stares at you. I think he fancies you too." Camilla says.

"Really?" I feel myself perk up.

"Look she's blushing." Camilla points out as they both laugh.

I roll my eyes, "I was not." I joke, "I was just surprised."

"You totally like him. Just admit it. It's fine we won't bite." Camilla flips her hair.

"Ask him out! Or even better we'll get him to ask you out." Fiona exclaims.

"No, don't embarrass him. I'll think about it. I've only spoken to him a few times. I don't want to jump immediately." I say.

"I get it. But we're just waiting for it to happen." she smiles.


We drive home and see a silver car parked in front of the house.

"Fiona is that who I think it is?" I hear Camilla mumble to her sister.

"No way! Wait are you sure? Maybe it's a different person with the same car." she gasps.

I don't bother to know what they're talking about. It doesn't seem like it concerns me.

"I thought they broke up." Fiona says.

"They did, two months ago." Camilla tells her.

"What is she doing here then?" Fiona asks.

"I know what you know and I don't know much right now." Camilla quietly says.

"Look they're coming!" Fiona points.

I look straight ahead and see Robbie with a pretty girl with red hair. They're laughing as he walks to her car. My heart drops. Why does this affect me so bad? I shouldn't care so much. I don't know why I'm caring so much. It's not like I'm dating him. There is no reason I should be so agitated about this. I don't even know if I like him. They talk a little more then hug. He opens her car door she gets in and he leaves going back into the house. She drives off and Camilla pulls into the garage.

"Thank goodness she's gone. I've always hated her." Camilla says.

"Who was she?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"His ex girlfriend, Claire. She was terrible." Fiona tells me, "You guys would make a better couple than they ever did."

"If they're not back together." Camilla sighs.

Deep down inside I was hoping that they weren't back together. I keep telling myself I don't know why I think that. But I think I do.

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