Chapter 6

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I don't know what's holding me back. I pace the room. Should I just tell him I like him? No, what if he doesn't like me back, and this is all in my head? I know Grace told me to go with the flow but honestly it's not that easy. I want it to be. He said he liked someone else anyway. I've only know him for five days now. It can't be me. Why even bother trying? It'll be best just to avoid him at all costs. It can only get worse if I talk to him and try to figure out everything. I hate how I can't make up my mind. One day I want to be with him and the next I don't want there to be an us. I want to have better control of this all, of my emotions, I really do. Nothing in life was easy. If life was easy it would be boring. All I have to do is make a damn decision. I'm just going to avoid him. What's the point of both of us getting hurt if it doesn't work out. Like I said before he probably doesn't like me, whoever he likes is pretty lucky.

I head downstairs for some breakfast and see Robbie sitting there looking at his phone while eating a bowl of cereal. I look at him while he's occupied by his phone. I try to turn around and go down at a later time but his head looks up and he catches me looking at him.

Hey! How are you?" his face lights up when he sees me.

"Good. You?" giving him a short answer.

"Great. I'm off of work today. Maybe we can hang out." he says.

"Maybe. I think Camilla and I made plans today but maybe tomorrow?" I lie.

"Oh she didn't tell you?" he looks at me.

"Tell me what?"

"She had to go into work today. Fiona went to her friends for the weekend. It's just me." he tells me.

"Oh. Well yeah I guess we can hang out." I try not to sound upset. So much for that trying to avoid him plan.

"Cool. I was planning to go to the beach."

Great now I have to see him shirtless. Which isn't bad but I don't want to like him even more.

"Sounds great. I'll get ready." I run up to my bedroom. Is it tool late to fake sick so I don't have to see him? I don't want to make it obvious that I'm trying to avoid him. I don't want to hurt his feelings either. It's only going to be for a day. Then it can go back to being normal. Where I'll only see him for two meals and we'll have awkward small talk and go our separate ways. I can leave anytime I want. If it gets too hard I can leave and at least be thankful for meeting them. Though now it seems hard to leave. It's like I have a secret life here. Sadly I have to go back at some point.

"Ready to go?" I hear Robbie's voice from outside my door.

I open the door, "Yeah I was just checking to make sure I didn't leave anything I might want here."

"Cool. Well I'll meet you in the car." he says.

"Yep just give me a few more minutes." giving him a weak smile.

I leave shortly after that and head to his car. I see him sitting there with sunglasses on in his red convertible. I laugh to myself about how much of a adorable dork he is. One of the reasons I shouldn't be on this trip. Just don't get attached and it will all be fine. Well more attached then you are.

"I thought you were gonna be there for a while." he jokes as he sees me walking toward him as I slide in the seat.

"Nothing can keep me away from the beach." I laugh.

"What kind of music do you like?"

"Anything really."

"Cool. So you don't mind if I play some Arctic Monkeys?"

"I love that band! My favorite song would either have to be Snap Out of It or Piledriver Waltz."

"I really like Arabella."

"That has to be in my top ten favorite songs." I say with a shy smile.

"Glad I have someone to listen to them with. My sisters don't appreciate them as much as I do."

"You should listen to this song!" I say as I press play on my iphone."

He starts to nod his head to the beat and smile, "I like this song. What it called?"

"Tearing Me Up by Bob Moses. It's one of my favorite songs." I tell him.

"It's one of my favorites now too. I'll have to check out the rest of his music later."

"Yeah. Sometimes I listen to them when I fall asleep."

"I understand why." he chuckles, "well thanks for giving me a new artist to listen to. I love finding new music."

"Me too. There is just so much music out there I can't catch up. I could dedicate days to finding new artists." I smile.

"We should do that!" he excitedly says looking over at me.


"Yes! That would be so much fun! With all that music out there why not try to listen to it all?"

"Yeah. Maybe another time." I turn away from him. This is why I was scared of going on this trip. I'm getting attached. Every second I'm falling for this guy. Do I want to go for it like everyone's been telling me? Yes. But it's going to end horribly. We'll date while I'm here and then when I leave it will fall apart. I just need time to focus on myself.

The wind runs through my hair as we cruise down the road. The radio fills the silence for us. I could faintly smell the ocean. I couldn't wait to jump in the ocean and have the cool water splash against my back.

"Well we're here." he says as he pulls into a parking space.

"Finally!" I get out and just take everything in.

"Well ready to go?"

"Let's go!" I smile as we run towards the beach.

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