Chapter 15

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"We're here!" my dad says, "isn't it good to be home?"

"Um yeah I guess. I thought that you were just going to drop me off at my apartment." I say.

"That was the plan but I decided that you might want to unwind and have dinner with us before you go." my dad tells me.

"That sounds great dad." I force a smile. Robbie walks over to me and grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. He gives me an it's-all-right look. I wish I could turn around and run to my apartment.

"I was planning on making spaghetti tonight. Something easy." my dad says as I walk into the kitchen.

I nod my head not knowing what to say.

"Robbie's a nice guy. I'm glad he came." he says.

"Yeah he's amazing. I'm glad I met him." I blush.

"Do you like him?"

"That's very straight to the point," I nervously chuckle, "but yeah. I really do like him."

"Is he...?" my dad gives me a look.

"My boyfriend? I don't know. We went on a few dates but I don't know where it went. I'd like to think it was progress but we're not official."

"Honey, this boy flew to the states with you. I'd say that's progress. He certainly seems interested in you. He's getting along with your mom so well and I really like him."

"Me too. At least she doesn't hate him."

"Look, I know you and your mom are really tense right now. But I really appreciate you being here and I know she does too. She really misses you." he assures me.

"Really? Last time I talked to her she seemed like she wanted nothing to do with me."

"She was upset. I bet she'll be happy if you talk to her."

"I bet I could give it a try." I shrug.

"That's my girl." he says with a smile, "Dinner's ready!" he announces.

Robbie and my mom walking in with a huge grin on both faces. At least they're getting along. Maybe dinner won't be so bad after all.

"It's so nice having you both over. How do you like New York so far Robbie?" my mom asks.

"It's wonderful so far. New York looks great. I'm so excited to see more of it." he smiles.

"Glad to hear." she says.

The conversation keeps going. Full of laughter and smiles. It felt like the tension was gone. I felt like I could actually relax and breathe for a minute.

"I found a box of home movies in the attic. Why don't we watch those after we finish?" my dad asks.

I laugh, "I don't think I want to relive my embarrassing childhood right now."

"Well I'd love to see them. I bet you we're so cute when you were little, love." Robbie says.

"Oh she was." my mom chimes in, "I haven't seen them in forever. I'd love to see them again."

"Great! I'll get them while you guys clear the table." my dad gets up and heads to his room.

Minutes later we're gathered around the tv as my dad puts in the first tape.

There I was eating chocolate ice cream. Getting it all over my face and my white pants. Some of it was stuck in my hair. My dad was laughing while my mom was worried about getting the chocolate out of the pants. I was just singing a made up song about how much I love ice cream.

The video cuts and jumps to another scene of us at the beach.

My dad was holding my hand was we were jumping over the waves. One wave was so tall I couldn't jump it.

"Dan!" my mother shrieked. As the wave brought me down.

The camera drops and you can see my mom run to the ocean looking for me. I pop up out of the ocean like it was no big deal. Like I didn't just get knocked over by a wave twice as big as six year old me.

"You were so cute as a kid." Robbie laughs.

My mom stands up and walks over to me, "Can we talk?" she whispers.

I nod my head and follow her to the kitchen.

"I thought we should talk since our last conversation wasn't the greatest." she says.

"I agree." I nod my head.

"I was just mad you ran out. Do you know how embarrassing it is to go up in front of everybody and say their daughter left." she says.

"Wait, I'm sorry? Are you saying I'm an embarrassment to you? Because we wouldn't want that." I feel my shoulders tense up, "Do you know how selfish you sound?"

"I didn't mean it like that-"

"Well it sure sounded like you did." Tears form in the corner of my eye. I press my lips together to form a line and blink trying to make them go away.

"What I'm trying to say was I was upset but I'm forgiving you now. And maybe you can go to Luke and reconnect."

"Forgive me? You're forgiving me for leaving a relationship I didn't want to be a part of? Mom, Luke cheated on me with Grace. Their getting married in two days. That's the whole reason I'm here. That's why Robbie's here."

"You know Luke and Grace won't last. Why don't you just give him a chance?"

"Why would I do that? Mom, Luke was manipulative and self-centered. I'm happy with Robbie."

"Isn't that a little too fast? Moving on from Luke to Robbie in such a short amount of time?" she asks.

"No. I think that was a reasonable amount of time. But why should you care it's my life?"

"I'm just trying to help you and guide you to the right choices. Sleeping around with guys isn't the answer."

"Um first you're not 'guiding' me you're deciding for me and you need to stop. And second I'm not sleeping around. It offends me that you even think that. I think Robbie and I could actually be something."

"Tell me one time I decided for you." she starts to raise her voice.

"My sweet sixteen. Remember how you chose the venue? And who could come or not, and my dress. It was suppose to be about what I wanted it. It was my party and you made it your sweet sixteen."

"I did not I was trying to help you make it the best party for you."

"That's bull and you know it. Also the fact that you're trying to tell me who to date is so ridiculous. Can't you just understand that I don't like Luke. I've told you he cheated on me and all you care about is how his family felt after I left him. I told you all the bad stuff he's done and yet you still want me to go back into his arms. All I'm trying to say is you've been deciding for me my whole life and I'm so sick of it."

"Then get out of my house!" she yells, "No daughter of mine will be this ungrateful."

"Gladly." I say. I turn around ready to head back to the living room. I see Robbie and my dad standing there.

"Well I guess I'll drive you home." my dad says breaking the silence.

I grab my things and head to the door with Robbie behind me. This will be the last time I leave my childhood home and I'm not even sad about it.

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