Chapter 5

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"Hey. How was your day?" Robbie asks as I walk through the door.

"Oh." I jump startled by his voice, " was good. I had a lot of fun today."

"That's good." he awkwardly says.

"How was your day?" I ask hoping to get out of the conversation as soon as possible.

"It was okay. My dad's office was really stressful. My co-worker had to drop by and talk about something not important though."

I feel a sigh of relief oh it was just his co-worker. Maybe his sisters were wrong about who it was. I mean you could only see her red hair. Not much besides that.

"Then she talked about getting back together which is something I wasn't interested in."

"Oh so you dated her?" I raise my eyebrow hoping to get more information. Why do I even want to know this? It's none of my business. But the other part of me deeply wants to know.

"Briefly. For maybe four months. She asked if we could get back together and I told her I wasn't interested in getting back together."

"Was there a reason?" I feel myself leaning in a little bit as if I could know the reason by just looking into his eyes.

"It didn't work out. She thought I was the one. As much as I did like her I just wasn't as invested in the relationship as she was. Also I like someone else at the moment right now."

"Oh." I lean back as I awkwardly shift the weight on my feet not knowing what to say after. My heart drops and my legs feel weak. Theres a lump in my throat and a knot in my stomach. He likes someone else. I knew I had no chance with him. I'm way in over my head with this.

"Your turn." he says.

"Huh?" I look at him after he catches me off guard.

"Tell me about your last ex or current boyfriend." he says.

"Well I'm currently single. We broke up maybe four days ago."

His jaw drops,"Really? Well I'm sorry about that."

"I'm not it was for the best." I give a tiny laugh, "His name was Luke and he was really charming and kind and could pull you into his world. He was captivating when he spoke. But he was manipulative and always tried to blame me. He was selfish and didn't really care much about people. I put up with him for four years," I tell him, "to think I almost married him." I cover my mouth after I let it slip out.

"What? He was your fiancé?" Robbie's jaw drops again.

"Yeah. That was the worst mistake I've ever made. We planned to get married after college but I didn't think he'd actually go through with it. Our wedding was just a few days ago."

"Is this why you're here?" he tilts his head ever so slightly.

I nod my head, "Yeah. I ran away and left him at the alter. I didn't want to tell you guys because I felt embarrassed by it. I'm-"

"I think it's good you did that. Very brave I might add. I don't think I would have the guts to do that."

"I guess it's because I didn't love him. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't know how you'd react. Not everybody thinks it's okay to run away from the alter." I say.

"No it's fine. At least you got our when you did right?"

"Right." I say as we smile at each other.

"Well I better get back to work but thanks for telling me that story. It'll be my turn next." he says and turns right down the hall.

My heart flutters. My cheeks heat up and a smile grows on my face. I need to chill out. I don't even know how I feel about him. I thought I did but I'm still unsure. Even though everyday I think I get closer to the answer. I just feel comfortable with him. I don't think I've ever really opened up to someone that fast. When I was with Luke it took me at least a year and a half to tell him how I was feeling at the time. I just don't tell people about my feelings or personal stories so quickly. I want something to happen I just don't know if it will. Will it work out if I'm back in the U.S and he's here? I'm overthinking again. I wish I could just live in the moment and do what I want to do at the time. Instead I over analyze everything and make up possibilities that never end up happening.

My phone rings snapping me out of my thoughts. Grace's name lights up on my phone.

"Hey! How's London?" Grace's perky voice asks .

"It's even better in real life than pictures. I honestly could live here forever." I tell her.

"Met any cute guys?" she asks.

"Um, maybe." I feel my cheeks turn red as I said it.

"Really who?" I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"Well his name is Robbie and he lives here. He's Camilla's brother." I tell her.

"Hm, very nice."

"Nothing's happened and I don't even know if I like him. But there's something there and-"

"I know what you're doing. Stop overthinking it. Just go for it. He's here, you're here what's stopping you? I know and you know that you like him so just go for it." she says.

"I want to. I really do but-"

"No buts!" she cuts me off, "I say go for it. You need to do something fun, wild, something exciting."

"I know you're right. But I-"

"Grace?" I hear a man's voice through the phone. It sounded familiar.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"Just a friend. I have to go. Just do what you think is right. Take a chance for once. Bye Serena." she quickly says and hangs up.

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