Chapter 19

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The ceremony was over and it was finally time to head to the reception. Robbie and I walk over to the venue with his arms linked with mine.

You can hear the music blasting outside before you even open the door. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. It's only a few more hours that I have to spend with my ex-fiancés family. They haven't talked to me yet, so I'm cool. I'm okay. I can get through this.

As we walk in Luke's mom catches my eye. She gives me a disapproving glance then looks away. I shrug it off and sit next to Robbie at our table. They announce Grace and Luke and everyone one claps as they watch their first dance together. Shortly after the tell us we can go up and get our food.

"Care to talk?" a voice asks.

I look over next to me and see Luke's mom. Nerves rush over me as I hesitate and nod my head. Can't just have a few moments to myself? I follow her to a quieter place in the room.

"It was brave of you to show up here." she says.

I nod my head, "what is this about? I should really get going back to my date."

"I just wanted to let you know that even though you ditched my son at the alter we forgive you. We always knew that you were unstable we thought something like this would happen. You don't mind if we told people that do you?"

"I'm sorry what?" I stare at her trying to comprehend what she just said.

"Well what would people think of us? You ditched our son. You don't think people will talk and think something is wrong with him? We had to come up with a story."

"So everyone here thinks I'm mentally unstable and flaky?"

"Yes, I never said flaky. I don't see what the problem is."

"The problem is that you're spreading rumors about me that aren't true. Did you ever stop and think that maybe I didn't love your son? How badly he treated me behind closed doors? Obviously not, you just think of him as the most perfect angel ever. You went around and damaged my reputation just to make yourself better. Did you ever think how that would affect me?"

"I don't care." she simply says.

"Why do I even bother?  Now if you don't mind I'm going back to my date. I've had enough of this." I brush past her and head back to my table. Well the worst is over. Isn't it? I'm not sure how many more 'talks' I can handle.

"You will not believe the conversation I just had." I tell Robbie as I sit down.

"Really? What happened?"

"Luke's mom came up to me and blamed everything on me. She told everyone how unstable I was because I left Luke at the alter. Ugh. I thought it was going so well."

"Do you want to dance?" he asks.

"I'm not sure if that will help." I give him a small smile.

"Just try." he chuckles.

Before I could give him an answer he grabs my hand and leads me out onto the dance floor. He puts his hands on my waist as we sway to the music. The more I look into his eyes the more I forget about people looking at us, the conversation I had with Luke's mom, even being at my ex's wedding. It was as if we were the only two people in the room.

"Wanna get out of here?" I ask.

"Where would we go?" he raises his eyebrow.

"Anywhere. I just want to leave." I tell him.

Once the music ends we run off the dance floor and out the back door. Our arms link together as we walk down the street. We end up at Central Park. It reminded me of our first date at Hyde Park. Theres just something so special about it.

"It feels good to not be in that crowded room." I sigh as I sit on the bench.

"Yeah it's beautiful out here. I did have a great time though."

"Me too thanks for coming with me."

"Of course." he smiles.

"You didn't tell me you could dance! Do you have any other secret hidden talents?"

He laughs, "No, just dancing. My mom made me take lessons at eleven for my sisters sweet sixteen."

"Can you teach me how to dance? I never really learned how."

He laughs, "of course."

I wrap my arms around him and he wraps his arms around my waist. He spins me around and I end up in his arms. He gently rocks me side to side. I smile and close my eyes. This is how I want to spend my last day with him. Dancing and being in his arms. A droplet of rain falls on my face. I open my eyes and look up at the sky.

"It's starting raining. We should go inside." Robbie says.

"I like when it rains. I want to stay outside for a little while." I smile at him.

The rain starts to pick up. Our foreheads are pressed together with my arms around the nape of his neck. Our noses almost touching. Our lips just inches apart. Rain starts pouring down. Just like our date in London. He moves his head so now our noses are touching. Then he crashes his lips on mine. At first it was soft and gentle and then he kisses me as if this would be our last kiss, harder but gentle. He pulls me in closer to him making my heart flutter. My hands move and cup his face. I don't ever want to let go. I don't ever want this to end.

He pulls away making me want more.

"We should get going before it gets worse." he says as we just stand there. None of us wanting to move.

"Yeah befor-"

He cuts me off my kissing me again then pulls away again.

"We should start heading back now." he says. He intertwines his hand with mine as we walk back to my place. There was a smile on my face then entire walk home.

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