Chapter 10

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"I didn't know you liked me. At times I thought you did but I thought I was kidding myself." he says.

"Well I tried not to like you. It was hard. There was just something there that was undeniable between us." I tell him.

"You felt that too?"

"Ever since you smiled at me during my first night in London. I told myself that I shouldn't get caught up in you."  I blush.

"I'm glad you didn't listen to yourself." he smiles.

"Yeah me too." I smile back.

"Would you ever want to go on a date with me this week?" he asks shyly scratching the back of his neck.

"I thought you'd never ask." I smirk.

"Tomorrow night maybe? We could go on a tour of London?"

"Yeah I'd really like that." I stand up to leave.

As I exit his room Camilla and Fiona are standing outside with big smiles on their faces.

"Soo?" Camilla raises her eyebrow.

"Nothing happened." I lie trying to cover my smile.

"Omg tell us!" Fiona squeals.

"He'll be so embarrassed that I'm telling you." I blush.

"I think I know where this is going." Camilla smirks.

"Ok." I take a deep breath, "we kissed and he asked me out on a date for tomorrow night."

"That's so cute. We're obviously going to help you get ready you know that right?" Camilla laughs.

"I was assuming that." I smile.

"I'm so excited and happy for you! You and my brother make the cutest couple!" Fiona gushes.

"I'm glad I did what I did and I'm so excited for our date tomorrow."

"Where is he taking you?" Fiona asks.

"He's giving me a tour of London."

"That's so sweet." Camilla says.

"I know I'm so excited." I blush.

"You'll have to tell us how everything goes." Fiona says.

"I will! I'm going to bed now but I'll see you guys tomorrow." I walk back to my room.

I'm too excited to fall asleep. I can't wait for our date tomorrow. Every time I think of him or the date a huge smile grows on my face. I don't think anyone has ever made me this happy. Not even Luke.


"Close your eyes." Camilla says as she does my eyeliner.

"Stay still." Fiona says as she curls my hair.

"Should I be trusting you with hot things?" I ask.

Fiona laughs, "I know how to use a curling iron it's not hard."

"Open!" Camilla commands and looks into my eyes, "Looks great." she hands my a mirror.

"Wow. Thanks!" I blush, "This is so nice you guys."

"And done!" Fiona says as she finishes the last section of hair to curl.

"It's beautiful I can't thank you guys enough." I gush.

"Aw no problem. Plus your wings look amazing." Camilla flips her hair.

I laugh, "I know! Whoever did them has such talent. Now all I need to something to wear."

"Black dress!" Fiona immediately says.

"Yes! A simple little black dress is cute and a great date outfit." Camilla nods her head in agreement.

"If it's backless it's even better!" Fiona giggles!

"Let's see." I rummage through my closet, "I don't think I have a black dress but I have a dark red dress." I pull out a cute halter neckline dress that is backless.

"Ooh that's so cute! Put it on!" Camilla shrieks.

I try to change quickly but make sure not to mess up my hair.

"Ok tell me if this is too much." I say as I come out of the bathroom with black ankle boots.

Fiona's eyes widen and Camilla's jaw drops.

"I love it!" Camilla squeals as she runs up to give me a hug.

"This is absolutely beautiful! Fiona exclaims.

"Aw thank you guys. I couldn't have looked this great without you two." I blush.

I look at the time, "It's almost eight! We should be meeting soon." I say as I feel the nerves start to kick in, "Advice?"

"Cheesy and totally cliché but be yourself. He really likes girls who aren't afraid to be themselves and are down to earth." Camilla says.

"That's really the best advice you can give anyone." Fiona agrees.

"Thank you guys again so much!" I say as I wave goodbye as they leave my room. I stare at the clock. In just three minutes he should be here. Take a few deep breaths. You'll be fine. I don't get what's making me so nervous. It's not like we don't know each other. I've never felt this nervous when I went on my first date with Luke. What makes Robbie different? What is it about him that makes me want to kiss him and never let him go?

Suddenly there were three tiny knocks on my door. As I open it I feel my heart flutter when I look at him. The way his wavy locks look perfect that make me want to run my hands through his hair. His small innocent smile. The fact he got me flowers.

"Aw these are beautiful. That's so sweet. Thank you." I say as I take the flowers from him and lay them down next on my nightstand.

"You're welcome. I thought a girl as pretty as you should deserve some pretty flowers. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes!" I say.

He walks me to his car and opens my door for me. I can feel myself falling for him every second I'm with him.

"Are you excited to tour London tonight?" he asks.

"Very excited. I've never been anywhere outside of my state. One thing I've always wanted to do was travel around the world."

"Really? Me too. I'm just so busy with work I can never find the time." he says.

"Just don't show up one day. Maybe you'll go to Paris for a week." I joke.

"That sounds great." he laughs.

We talk for the rest of the way. We park near some tiny cafes and boutiques. The city is light up and looks breathtaking like aways. I look in aw and try to take in everything as much as I can.

"So where should we start? I look at him.

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