-chapter 8

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Karin's pov..

I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and sighed.

I had been packing all day and it was tiring.

Yesterday I had got an acceptance letter from the university of Georgia.

I wanted to be somewhere close because I didn't want to be to far away from August or my parents.

I got on my knees and looked under my bed for anything I may be forgetting to pack.

I started reaching my arm under and felling around when my phone rung.

I knew It had to be August or someone in his family because I don't even talk to anyone.

I dusted my hands onto a towel and answered .

"Hey auggie ."

"Uh uh that ain' gone happen."

"You dont like it ? I think it's cute. " I said matter-of-factly

"Nah ."

"Fine what about ...snuggie pooh ."

"Well I guess I'm auggie cause that name ain the move eitha. "

"Your such a meanie." I said chuckling

"Yeah whatever but be ready I'm finna swing by and get you ."

"Who said I wanted to go with you?"

"Me nie be ready ."

He said hanging up before I could tell him off.


I smiled as I got in seeing august's nieces in the backseat with huge smiles on their faces.

"Hey y'all !" I smiled

"Hey Karin ." They spoke in unison .

"Wassam baybeh ?" He said leaning over and placed a kiss on my cheek .

August had been sending me mixed signals.

One minute he would be tongue kissing me and then giving me friendly pecks the next .

We pulled up to a nearby ihop and got out.

"Hello my name is madaline and I'll be your server , shall I start you all off with some drinks. " She said taking out a note pad

August looked at all of us and waited for us to order.

Mya chay and Kay ordered orange juice.

"I'll take an Apple juice ." I spoke

"I'a get tha same. "

"Okay I'll be right back ."

We looked over the menu and soon she came back.

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