-chapter 30

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Another one cause I wuv you guys 😙

Augusts pov..

I wiped off my gun lookin' at damiens lifeless body

I smirked in accomplishment but it soon faded when I heard Karin yell for me

"August !" She shouted

I ran from around tha barn and tah tha front followin' ha voice

I tucked my gun into my pants and ran to ha

"Getcha Damn hands off ha nigga !" I yelled at shon takin' my gun out of my pocket

"Not so fast August ." Stated a feminine voice

I felt cold metal pressed firmly against tha back of my head

"Put the gun down !" She shouted

I glanced up at Karin seein' shon holdin' ha in a chokehold

"Tell that nigga tah take his hands off'a ha ." I stated lowerin' tha gun

"I'm not gonna say it again." She said cockin' tha gun back
Karin looked at me with pleadin' eyes

"A-August please ." Karin whimpered

I sighed heavily and dropped tha gun

"Good boy ." She spoke flippin' me around so that I faced ha

"Kate !?" I yelled and she smirked

"In the flesh ." She beamed

Why tha fuck was she proud tah do this ?

She took some rope from around ha arm while still holdin' tha gun at me

She began restrainin' my hands and I got a good punch in befo' she pulled tha trigga shootin' my calf

I winced in pain droppin' tah tha ground and hissin' at tha stingin' sensation

She got on top of me and stuck me in my neck with somethin' makin' me jerk my head back

"W-what tha hell was that ?" Was tha last thing I rememba befo' blackin' out


I fluttered my eyes open lookin' around

My vision was blurred but it was slowly comin' back

My leg began tah burn and I started tah rememba how Kate shot me

I wiggled my hands realizin' I was tied tah a chair in some room

"August, you're awake !" Kate beamed snatchin' me from my thoughts

I clenched my jaw and pulled at tha rope not bein' successful

"You drugged me hoe ?" I questioned

She looked at me taken back and chuckled

Being KarinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora