-chapter 18

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! 3 months later !

Augusts pov ..

I sat tha tray of food down in front of karins door for tha third time tah'day

I wasn't even sho' if she ate the first two but I wasn't just gonna let ha go without

"Karin ?" I said lowly but loud enough fah ha ta hea'

She didn't answer

"Karin ..baybeh ya gotta eat somethin' !" I yelled

"I'll get it , just leave it there." She said from behin' tha do'

I was startin' tah get worried fah ha , all I wanted tah do was comfort ha but she shut me out completely

"Can I see you ?" I spoke practically beggin'

She didn't answer

I sat the tray of food down

"Well Ima just leave it Hea'
I spoke pretendin' tah walk away .

I stood in a corna in tha hallway

She slowly opened tha do' and when she did I came out
She tried to close tha do' but I stuck my foot inside it

"Karin ? Why ya hidin' ?"

"Cause.." she panted still trying to close tha do' on me

I pushed it mo' and eventually I pried myself in

I placed my hands on my hips out of breath and glanced around ha room

I looked towards tha side of ha' bed tah see that ha food I had been leavin' ha was still thea

She hadn't been eatin'

She quickly ran beside it tryin' tah cova it up but it was too late

"August I can ex-

"Explain what Karin ? That you haven't been eatin' nun of this damn food I been bringin'. " I interrupted

I didn't meant tah come off as hostile as I did

She rubbed ha arm in awkwardness and stared at tha ground

I sighed and ran my hand ova' my face

I then took in what She had on

She placed ha hands ova' ha stomach

She had a slight pudge which meant she must've been eatin' somethin'

Silence filled tha room so I decided tah break it

"I've missed ya ." I spoke truthfully

She just cut me off and even tho' we was in tha same house tha space between us was as if we was on different planets

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