-chapter 24

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Karins pov..

2 months later

I closed my eyes relaxing while August held my arms

We were currently at the pool since August said I should "get my mind off of things"

To be honest it wasn't a bad idea at all , I was really finally able to enjoy life

He chuckled

"Love ya gotta relax , I ain't gone let ya go ."

He was trying to teach me to float but the water and I weren't the best of friends

"August do not let me go ." I said looking him in the eyes

"I'm not ." He said assuringly

I smiled and stood on my feet , sinking to the bottom of the pool

He leaned down and kissed my lips and rubbed my belly

August and I had went to the doctor as soon as I got out of that house

We were having a little girl

"Aug , I'm hungry ."

"Whatcha want ?"

"I don't know ."

"You neva know ." He said jokingly

He climbed out and dried himself with a towel

He held his arms out to help me up

Just as he pulled me up I felt the water get warmer and a sharp pain surged through my stomach

"A-August ..I think my water broke."

His eyes bulged and he lifted me out of the water

I panted and rubbed my belly in small circles

He picked me up bridal style and rushed to the car placing me in the back seat

"Hold on love ."

He started to drive as fast as he could speeding down the road

I hissed in agony feeling contractions

We pulled up and he picked me up again walking into the hospital

"We need a nurse , she goin' into labor !" August yelled

People quickly surrounded me and placed me into a wheelchair

I ran my hand over my forehead feeling beads of sweat form

They wheeled me into a room that read "delivery"

They started hooking me up to several machines and put a IV into my arm

"She's already dialated to ten!"

They lifted my legs onto the holsters and closed the curtains below me

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