Chapter Three

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After the incident with the strange (yet oddly attractive) boy, I just kind of chuckled and shrugged it off.

Don't worry about it, you'll never see him again I said to my self. Why worry? I think.

As I sit at restaurant right across from the mall, one that I go to frequently, since I go to the college that's about 4 blocks away, it makes a nice studying environment. Just as a sit down, and pull out my textbook, when the devil walked in, in a tuxedo.

Now I have as slight fetish for men in suits. Some girls have bad boy feishes, some have tattoo ones, I have a tuxedo fetish. I don't know where it started, but I sure do love it.

He walks in and walks straight towards the owner, and my waiter. He makes small talk with her for about 7 minutes then gives her a kiss.

I don't /want/ to know the relationship, but I can't help but wonder. She hands him a coffee and he sprints out.

I get this feeling in my gut that doesn't feel great. It's a new feeling.

Oh shit. Oh god. It's guilt. Why am I feeling guilty?! He was the one being weird and touchy!

I reacted the way sane people /should/ react, yet, I'm the one that is getting the bad end of it.

I can't take this feeling. It's just, unfair.

I set down a twenty, smile at my waiter, names Martha, and run out to try to catch the boy who is making me feel like crap.

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