Chapter Thirty Four

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+Ash's POV+

I just couldn't tell her.

Anything but this. When the street hoe showed up so did all of my past mistakes.

After the death of...people, bad shit happened and I couldn't deal.

I did care if she left, but I just wasn't ready to share my past.

"Fine," she snapped and ran downstairs quickly, turning her face as if I couldn't see the tears already forming in her eyes.

I wanted to go after her, say that I'd tell her everything and try to explain who she was...but I stayed inside only leaving later to get some beers and clear my fucked up mind of her toxicity.

On my way back, my minded was all fuzzy and my vision kept blurring.

Of course, I'd noticed her golden locks, I've spent so much time cuddling her in bed, staring at her hair and feeling the softness of it.

She quickly walked passed, and although my mind was clear enough to know she was furious with me, my body couldn't stand this long without her warmth on me.

My hand reached out for her, and I watched, dazed as she pulled away and glared at me.

My mouth mirrored my hand, trying to keep her with me, "" I slurred then hiccuped right after.

She scowled and turned away from me, walking faster down the deserted streets. "C....Candy wait..babe..." I mumbled, stumbling after her hurriedly.

We were suddenly alone, the lights of the stretlights dimmed out as she whirrled to face me, "Don't you fucking dare Ash!" She snarled. "Don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't you ever come near me again!!"

I blinked, struck by her words, cold, hard and strikingly serious.

I stepped back, only to bump into a guy as tall as me, but as I turned, i realized he was much more muscular.

A scream snapped me back to where Candice was, another guy in a mask holding her by the waist as she struggled.

Anger burned throughout me. Enraged by another mans' hands on her, I punched the guy holding her, busting his lip. I hit again, feeling a satisfying crunch of bones as my knuckles hit his nose.

A hard knock to the back of my head had me collapse on thr floor, right next to a pale faced Candice, with blood slowly dripping from her head

A streak of hair was painted the colour of blood oozing out of her head. It was the last thing I saw as  i blacked out from the blow.

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