Chapter Twenty

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I stare at him in disbelief. He just sits there, grinning at the ceiling.

"Ash uncuff me!" I yell at him. "NOW ASH" I demand. "Oh now you want to yell my name?". "Ash fucking put me down! This is NOT FUNNY". He chuckles. "Oh hunny. It's pretty funny".

I am fuming. "Listen, I'm sorry for not listening to you and upsetting you but will you please let me down!?" I plead. He smirks and climbs off his bed and stands in front of me. "So you're telling me that you want me to uncuff a hot blonde that is naked as daylight. Not able to touch the ground. And begging me?". I nod, biting my lip. He erupts in laughter.

"Oh you're to funny Candice Gilmore!" He says as he pinches my cheeks. "Will you at least get me off the nail? I'll still be handcuffed". He shakes his head. "No, I'm sorry but I can't" He states, smirking. "Now if you will excuse me, I am EXHAUSTED"

He climbs back on his bed and turns towards the wall. "Goodnight Candice!" He snickers. I roll my eyes and I try to get off the nail.

I try everything. I try to extend my foot to touch the ground. I try to bolt myself up so I fall off.I try to bend the nail downwards. I even try to do curl ups in hope that they will push me up.

"Nothing's gonna work Candy" I hear Ash mumble.

"Geez, thanks for the encouragement Ashton". He laughs and falls asleep again.

Goddamnit Ash. I should've kicked him in the balls. I should've punched him the first time he touched me.

I should've never apologized to him.

I should have never went up to him that day.

I yawn and try to get comfortable so I can sleep.

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆The Next Morning∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆

{warning: may/ may not be a shitty chapter}
+Ash's POV+

I yawned and rolled over only to tumble out of bed dropping to the floor with a loud thud. I groaned and whimpered.

" Awww does that hurt Ashie? You know what else hurts? LEAVING ME ALL NIGHT ON A DAMN NAIL!!" Candice yelled angrily still hung up by the nail.

I was about to answer as the cell door swung open revealing Officer James. "You're free to go. Stories check out," he smiled at me then looked over at Candice and frowned, "How-"

"JUST LOOK AWAY!" she flushed embarrassed, as she was still naked as a new born babe.

James turned his head, threw a key at me and walked away with a bright red face, leaving the cell door wide open.
"Please get me down..." Candice whimpered a bit.

After getting her down and us putting all our clothes on we made our way out to where James had us brought. All we were needed to do was sign out but he was called to duty right then and we were left until night fall to be signed out.

I scribbled my name down after Candice. Officer James shook our hands, "We're sorry about the mix up..." I nodded understandingly but Candice was fuming again. "I missed like three tests!!" Officer James nodded and provided her with an envelope, "You'll be able to get your classes and tests back." She nodded, silently angry and we both made our way out of the station.

Candice blushed as she looked at me. I grinned and pinned her against a wall and took her hands pushing them up my shirt to feel the hard earned six-pack. She bit her lip as I leaned in and whispered huskily," They're all yours."

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