First Home

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I laughed as I walked along the shoreline, my feet sinking slightly in the sand.

"And then my mom said, 'Amber Forsythia! We do NOT replace people's wood floors with dirt.'" My companion and best friend, Amber, giggled like a maniac.

"Only you," I shook my head. "Only you would do that."

"Well SOR-RY you're the smart sensible one," Amber said sassily.

"You should thank me," I said. "I'm the reason your parents let you move out."

"You and your maturity," Amber shook her head. "Anyway, where are we going?"

"To a good biome, so we can build a town," I said. "I want to start a farm, make a town hall, things like that. I'll need you to help me with the hard work. I'm not really built for building." I was gesturing to my frail health, which usually left me sick in bed many times a year. My frail health is hereditary, which is why... I'm alone, to put it lightly.

"What kind of biome do you want? I'm thinking a hill biome, so things don't jump down from the trees," Amber suggested, oddly excited. "Maybe a big wooden fence around the buildings and the farms..."

"You do realize you'll be doing a lot of the work, right?" I clarified.

"So?" Amber scoffed. "I'm always doing work. Just depends whether or not it helps. And if this helps, I'll do it. Besides," Amber shot me a friendly grin, "I'll always be there to help my best friend."

I blushed slightly. "You're too kind," I mumbled. Just then, a wracking cough bubbled out of my throat, and I coughed uncontrollably.

Amber patted my back gently and offered me some water. "Do you need this?" Nodding, I wrapped my fingers around the bottle and drank a sip. Another cough interrupted my drinking, and I sputtered out the water. Amber pulled the water from me.

"No," I coughed, reaching for the water again. "I need it."

"Not just yet," Amber held it out of reach, instead pulling out a potion. I recognized the color.

"You *cough* had a *cough* healing potion?" I croaked.

"I knew you'd need a lot," Amber says simply as she uncorked the bottle and poured a tiny amount in it. Then she handed it to me.

Taking it, I drank a tiny sip. It was painful, but after that it was almost painless, and I downed it in no time. "Thank you, Amber," I said gratefully.

"No problem," Amber beamed. Then she pointed in the distance. "Hey! Cassia! That looks like the perfect biome!"

I looked to where she was pointing and saw a large plateau. There weren't many trees at the top, but there were a lot at the base. "It's perfect," I agreed.

"Let's go!" Amber squealed. Grabbing my wrist, she dragged me to and up the hill. When we got to the top, I saw the view on the other side. "Whoa," I heard Amber breathe.

"It's beautiful," I said, staring at the - more like an enclosed bay, really, surrounded by soft sand and a pretty forest, a small meadow right by it. Three different biomes, all right next to each other. It was perfect.

"The sun's setting," Amber said warningly. "I'm going to make a few axes, and then you can help me chop. Just... enjoy the sunset."

"Ok," I said simply as I sat down and stared at the sun began to dip towards the horizon. I marveled at the beauty, the golden rays, the transformed colors that happened just from the sun touching it. I didn't usually get a time to watch a sunset.

"Cassia. Cassia. Cassia Bay. CASSIA!" I started and whirled to see Amber holding out two wooden axes. Taking them, I got to my feet sheepishly. I headed towards the group of trees at the base of the hill and began to chop.


"How many stacks do you have?" I heard Amber call.

"A half of a stack," I called back.

"That's good! Let's head back to the top, and I'll build the house," Amber decided, and we marched back up. "Where do you want the house?"

Looking around, I saw a little pool of water. "Right there," I said, pointing. Amber immediately went over there and began building.

By the time nightfall came around, a small house was built, with a door and two beds, which Amber had gotten by killing sheep... typical Amber.

"It's nice and cozy," I said, adding a yawn at the end.

"Let's go to sleep," Amber said, walking to the beds. Then she stopped short. "What are we calling the town?"

"How about... Forsythia Bay?" I suggested, cracking a tiny smile.

"A combination of BOTH our last names," Amber chuckled. "Genius. Well, g'night."



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