First Attack

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I peered out of the tower and saw the swarm of squids. "They're coming from the sea now! Heading for the main entrance!" I yelled.

It wasn't all too loud, but when Simon yelled what I had just said, x 1,000,000,000,000, they all reorganized. A few times, I warned people on the ground, but I hadn't even used my bow.

Shakily, I notched an arrow, aimed it at a squid. "Here we go," I said nervously as I released the arrow.

It buried itself in the squid's body, and the squid collapsed in front of Bodil. "Whaa?" I could hear Bodil laugh as he glanced at me. I gave him a little smile as I kept surveying the town.

Emmy was fierce, fighting alongside Antvenom and CaptainSparklez. I heard they were one of the best PVPers around, and Emmy seemed to keep up with them easily.

Seto was shooting magic beams from his hands, and occasionally, he would put his hand on someone's back, and a green aura would surround the person. He must be healing them.

Just then, I saw a squid approach Seto while he was healing Cupquake. I hurriedly notched an arrow, aimed, and released. Just as the squid was about to attack, the arrow buried itself in its neck, killing it. Seto whirled, but when he saw the arrow, he looked up at me and grinned, giving my heart rapidly flapping, faster than chicken's wings. What?

Then I caught sight of Skylar. She was fierce. Her face was contorted in rage as she ran a diamond sword through the bodies of the squids. There was a massive circle of squid death around Skylar as she easily parkoured around the village, destroying squids while somehow not destroying the buildings. However, squid blood covered the houses. Oops. I should try to get her to clean that off later... if she ever got around to it.

Cupquake and Chim were fighting as a fearsome duo. When Cupquake fell, Chim would step in and fight them off her until Cupquake got up and vice versa. The two of them weren't really skilled in fighting, but together they were fearsome.

Bodil and Simon weren't bad, either. I never pegged them as fighters, but they really surprised me... Bodil, that is. Simon was... struggling, a bit, but he certainly had energy and a wild strategy, which confused the squids.

Seth and Kermit were rather good warriors as well. I knew Kermit could have been a good fighter. But Seth was surprisingly skilled. I only knew he was great with redstone. Speaking of which, he could do some things with the village.

Vikk and Nooch I knew were fighters. Vikk and some of the other famous city fighters often competed in the Hunger Games arenas often.

Suddenly, something grabbed me from behind. I clawed weakly at the... limb wrapped around my neck, and came up with... squid blood. A squid was strangling me.

"No!" I coughed, beating the body behind me. "Sky-Skylar," I choked. "E-Emmy... A-Amber... Seto..." I tried to call for someone, but I couldn't. I could just barely register the bands around my hands and ankles, tying them together, and then the feeling of falling from the tower.


A short update... but I can't write fight scenes. I don't know why. I just can't. I hope the violence was enough for you, GamergirlRJ.


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