First Savior

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I woke up in my bed, surrounded by several faces that I recognize as Amber, Emmy, Skylar and Cupquake. "What...?" I groaned.

"Cassia! You're awake!" Amber gushed.

"How long have I been out?" I asked quietly.

"A few days since the attack. The squids incapacitated you and knocked you out of the tower. Thankfully, Seto caught you," Cupquake said. "He saw you falling."

"I've never seen a single guy run after a girl that fast before," Skylar said suggestively. "Anything we're missing?"

"Uh..." I stared at them like they were crazy. "He... may have kissed me."

"What?" Amber gasped.

"I guess it was just pure attraction," I said hurriedly. "I mean, maybe he thought I was attractive, maybe."

Skylar rolled her eyes. "If you think you're not attractive, then all girls are ugly. You're pretty, smart, resourceful, and friendly. You're the kind of person a kidnapper would never forgive himself if he did kidnap you."

I stared skeptically at her. "Uh, I appreciate the compliment." Everyone laughed.

"I don't think Seto's just attracted to your looks," Cupquake giggled.

"I think he liiiikes you," Emmy elbowed me gently.

"Oh, like you and CaptainSparklez?" I teased. Emmy's face flared.

"Shut up," she mumbled. I shook my head.

"So when do I get out of this bed?" I asked Cupquake, as she seemed to be more of a healer kind of person.

"Right now," she grinned. Eagerly, I rolled off the bed and stood, holding onto Amber for support.

"Did anything happen to the town while I was out?" I asked.

"Well, I cleaned the squid blood off the houses," Skylar said. "I also made the watchtower more invincible. Squids won't be able to get past our defenses. Don't worry, it's pretty, too, so it won't be an eyesore."

"Seth made these really cool fences around different areas of town. They have retractable gates and everything! CaptainSparklez's built these really good walls around the town that protects the houses." Emmy gushed, her face a bit red (probably from the mention of CaptainSparklez).

"That's great," I said, a grin on my face.

"We built the Ender Tavern," Amber added. "Skylar's idea. Cupquake and Chimney run it--they're practically living there. It has food, rooms, and potions."

"Potions? Really?" I asked.

"Nooch goes into the Nether often with Vikk. They'll collect experience points and bring me the ingredients, and I give them potions or food," Cupquake shrugged.

"Is your shop set up?" I asked Emmy.

"Yup," Emmy nodded. "I sell stone and iron tools, seeds, wheat, string, the works. I don't sell food, though. Cupquake's got that covered."

"So Ender Tavern is a restaurant and an inn? That's amazing," I said.

"I might just sell weapons and armor," Skylar contemplated. "Like bows, arrows, swords, helmets, stuff like that. Anything Diamond is mighty expensive."

"Currency?" I asked. "We use the MineCurrency, right?"

"Yup, MineCoins," Amber nodded. "We're not using NetherNotes. Those are weird."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Is Cassia awake?" I recognized the soft cadences of Seto's voice... what?

"Yeah," Skylar shot me a suggestive face as she, Cupquake, Emmy and Amber opened the door, letting Seto in before they left.

Seto idled at the door for a few moments before walking to stand in front of me. "Hey," he greeted quietly.

"Hey," I replied. "I hear you saved me."

"I did," Seto nodded. "I just... didn't want you to get hurt. I wasn't sure how bad your... condition was."

"Well, all's well that ends well, right? And I'm here, alive, just so I can say, Thank you." I gave him a small smile.

Seto grinned as he wrapped his arms. "I don't want to lose you," he said in my ear, making me blush and duck my head in embarrassment.

He kissed my head comfortingly, and I stayed like that in the arms of my savior.


Man, too much filler and not enough content. I promise it'll get better next chapter... hopefully.

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