First Villagers

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I woke up in the morning to the sound of Zombies dying. I turn, and I see Amber holding some steak. "Hungry?" she asked.

"Definitely," I answered as she handed me a few steaks. "What do you want to do today?" I asked, taking a bite.

"Build the village more," Amber replied. "Like a few shops, a few houses, a little garden, stuff like that."

"Anything I can do?" I asked hopefully.

"I made you a few more stone axes and a few pickaxes, so maybe you can get me some wood and cobblestone." Amber listed. "Oh, and some flowers. I'm going to make the outline of a town garden, and then a few farms, and then you can plan it out."

"Really?" I said eagerly. I loved gardening. It was one of the only things I could do by myself, and it was one of my prides.

"Can't deny you beautiful flowers," Amber answered, grinning. "I'm going out."

"Okay," I said as she left the hut that is our house. Picking up the tools she offered me, I left the house and journeyed down to the base of the plateau to chop more and more trees.

As I was walking, I fell into a hole. I landed with a thud. My hearts dropped, and I found myself stuck in a ravine. "Might as well make the most of this," I muttered as I began I started mining.

I had mined almost a full stack of iron ore, a stack of coal, and two stacks of cobblestone when I turned around to see two creepers, three skeletons, and two zombies. And all I had was two pickaxes, one half broken.

Now, I'm not one of those people from the big cities, who had huge houses and special, personal portals to sub-servers of Minecraftia, the ones who fought daily and did tons of minigames. I was just a girl from a secluded village who wanted to build a new village.

So I began to fight back, clumsily, with my pickaxe. I didn't have anything else. Suddenly, both creepers exploded, and I had four and a half hearts, while the skeletons shot at me. No way I'm going to make it out of here alive. And then I'll have to start all over... I began to cower against the wall, hastily building a wall between me and the mobs.

All of a sudden, the mobs were gone. I couldn't hear their moans, or their arrows. Breaking through my cobble wall, I saw a group of at least ten people just... staring at me. I could pick out a few normal-looking humans, a robot, a frog, a guy with a green... head, or hair, maybe, a girl with purple hair, a guy with different colored eyes, and a guy dressed as one of those famous, video game characters.

"Thank you for saving me," I said hesitantly.

"No problem," The robot said. I couldn't really hear anything robotic in his voice. It was actually even more frightening to hear his voice, considering this whole time I thought he was a robot. "I'm Nooch."

"Cassia," I said, my eyes flitting from him to the rest of his friends. "A-Are you a robot?"

Nooch laughed. "Not really." A pause, and my gaze turned to the people behind him. "Oh, and these are my friends, Bodil, Seto, Simon, Vikk, Seth, Antvenom, CaptainSparklez, Cupquake, Chimney and Kermit."

"Nice to meet you," I mentioned quietly.

"Nice to meet you too!" Kermit said enthusiastically, making me laugh a bit.

"Thank you again for saving me," I said, turning back to the wall and beginning to dig a staircase up.

"Hey!" I turned to see Seto holding a pickaxe. "Are you sure you won't be attacked again? It's almost night." I looked up to find that it was almost night.

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