Chapter 4

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Oscar 10 am


Oscar 10 am

"Felix, are you there?"

Oscar 10 am

"I don't know if you're busy, but I'm so sorry. I should have given you a chance."

Oscar 10 am

"I want you to know that I planned following Olly to work today just so I could meet and talk to you for real. But then you told Olly that you weren't going and I stayed at home."

Oscar 10 am

"If you are reading this, please reply. I want to know if you care about anything I'm writing. I understand if you don't want to talk to me, or if you hate me but please give me another chance."

Felix 10 am

"I will never hate you Oscar, don't you dare saying that again."

Oscar 10 am

"You sure? I'm so glad you replied."

Felix 10 am

"I'm very sure, and I think I'm probably staying home from work tomorrow too, you wanna meet up?"

Oscar 10 am

"Felix, it's not good for you to skip your work."

Felix 10 am

"I know Oscar, but I also know that I won't get you off my mind and we both know that's not leading to any work being done. Do you want to meet or not?"

Oscar 10 am

"Of course I want to meet you."

Felix 10 am

"So, what are you doing right now?"

Oscar 10 am

"Not very much, just waiting for Olly to come home. What are you doing?"

Felix 10 am

"You know that he'll finish at 4 pm right?"

Oscar 10 am

"Yeah, but there's nothing much to do except waiting."

Felix 10 am

"Do you want to Facetime? Maybe that will make time go faster. Also, I can't wait to see your face."

Oscar 10 am

"Sure! I can't wait to see you either."


"I can't believe I'm actually talking to you right now."

"Neither can I."

"I can't wait until tomorrow either, I'm so excited. When we meet, can I hug you?"

"Of course you can Felix, I love hugs."

"That's good, I'm sure I wouldn't make it without hugging you at least once."

"Haha, you are cute."

"Wait what."



"So, you are friends again?"

"Yeah, and we are going to meet tomorrow!"

"Oh, I'm so happy for you Oscar."

"Thank you Olly, I wouldn't have made this without you. And thank you for everything you have done to me, I truly love having you as my best friend."

"I love having you as my best friend too. I'd do anything for you and you know that."

"I'm always here for you too."

"So, when and where are you going to meet Felix tomorrow?"

"I guess he will come to my place around 12 am."

"Okay, promise to be careful?"

"What do you think will happen?"

"I don't know, but I don't want anything bad happening to you."

"I promise, promise to be careful you too."

"I'm just going to work but I promise haha."



"Felix is calling me."

"Answer then."

"I will, I wonder what he wants."

"I guess you'll know when you answer."

"Ha-ha, really funny."



"Hey Felix. Anything wrong?"

"No, why?"

"I didn't really expect to get a call from you."

"I just wanted to hear your voice again, I missed you."

"I missed you too haha. This feels weird though."


"We didn't even talk to each others yesterday and now it feels like we're best friends that will stay awake all night just to gossip about unimportant things."

"Haha, that's true. But I'm glad we're talking again."

"Me too, everything feels better now."

"Oscar, you know what?"


"I don't want to stop talking to you, I think I'm obsessed with your voice or something."

"Haha, you're so cute. I love talking to you."

"I love talking to you too, and if there's anyone who is cute, it's you."


Another chapter done. Sorry if this story is weird haha but I hope you enjoy it anyways, and thank you for reading! ♡

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