Plan For The Worst, Hope For The Best

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"Tooru, sweetie, I'm heading to the store, do you need anything?"

Oh shit.

She would come in the room if Oikawa didn't respond, he wouldn't wake up in time to respond. Hajime had to go with the best option he had, an impression.

He was lucky it just sounded like Oikawa was sick, "Yeah, just get me uh-" What do they use when they were sick? "Some things to help on me get better. I'm pretty sick."

His mom's voice was gentle, "Sorry hun, I'll get you some Sprite and crackers. Will you be alright without medicine for a bit?"

"Yeah, thanks Mom." His voice shook slightly at 'Mom', for now he remembered he didn't have one. Footsteps went down the hallway, he held in the cry that surged in his throat, You're fine, you lost all your family and friends and people- okay stop thinking that is making it worse.

Shuffling above the Erodanian snapped him out of the depressing thoughts, "Iwa-chan?" Oikawa said in a sleepy tone, rubbing his beautiful eyes, emphasizing the new nickname.

"Nice cover." Tooru yawned, "I could have answered, though. I woke when she first knocked, I'm a light sleeper."

He pulled a straight face, the cuddling session was definitely over now, Hajime shoved him off the makeshift bed and went to the closet.

"How are we going to do this? Both of us want to sneak out. So I say, that's our day's work." Hajime went straight for an objective, he was after all used to them. In his world, something was always going on, he was always doing something. That was, until the day that the star that kept them alive burst.

By then, though, the people were already on their way to the new planet they discovered that was suitable for living. Everyone had been cheering and his parents were happy we had a recovery and wouldn't have to die.

At least, that's what they thought. Then, they discovered 'humans' on the planet and did reasearch on their language by looking at the inside. The Erodanians wer getting close when they found out that the humans were not as advanced, yet somehow, they were more tactical and prepared.

Hajime wishes they had been.

He wished they could have been ready to kill everyone on spot instead of conversation.

But when his dad told him to run for his life, he didn't have a choice. He knew he didn't...

"Hajime..." The dying words repeated in his head, green blood squirting out of the injury, too much green was lost for him to live and the prince knew it. So he did as he was told and ran, the crazy scientist is what he went after, but soon discovered that the man was setting fire to his own lab. This had never happened in their history for no reason, so he went inside the door, almost burning his feet in the process.

The only sound aside from explosions and crackling blue flames was a man that looked his age, sobbing.

He knew they could cry, but curiosity took over and he went to the teenager, his weapon at his side just in case. Except, instead of hostility, the sobbing brown haired teen was begging for a quick death.

The prince wasn't for death, he actually hated it but not as much as everyone on this planet. There was something so different about this one, though.

He wasn't mad, angered, nor fighting. The man was crying and wanting to have a quick death.

Hajime would have wanted the same thing.

"Iwa-chan, rude. You shove me off and then raid my closet, everything in there was neat and tidy." Oikawa pouted, sitting up with a face that looked like a baby animal.

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