How Could July Get Any Worse?

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"So... what you're saying is,; he is from this planet called 'Erodana'out there and a crazy mad scientist demanded for every ali-Erodanian to be shot on spot and Iwaizumi here ended up saving you and that's why you're considered dead?" Hanamaki had been paying close attention, but ironically-"Y'know Matsukawa, this isn't the most unbelievable thing he's told us."

"Oddly." The said person confirmed, smirking as he offered his hand to the Erodanian, "Nice to meet you outsider, if you plan to make it alive, going with Oikawa isn't exactly the best choice." He snickered.

It was as if the joking lightened the mood, Oikawa looked offensed, "eXcUsE yOu? Who got into the scientist school?"

"That you can't even go to now?"

There it was again, he tensed, tension filled the room.

Oikawa looked up, putting on one of his best fake smiles, "Ha, you're right! But I still got in!" There was no humour in his chuckle after, it almost scared everyone in the room, "Oh wow, it's going to get late soon, my mom will be home soon, we should head Iwa-chan!"

"Oikawa I didn-" Matsukawa tried to apologize, but the brown haired  failure waved his hand, as if that would take away the problem. "Don't worry, I know you didn't mean to, Matsu-chan. It's fine, we're all fine! Though, I was serious about my mom being home soon, we got to go before she knows I left. I'll visit again, nice to see you two! Oh, and Makki-chan, make sure you both tell no one about either of us." He rubbed the back of his head, the fake smile wasn't getting any lighter.

"Ready to go, Iwa-chan?" Tooru asked, humming a tune that was on the bridge of sorrow, yet somehow still felt happy in a way. He was trying to cheer himself up.

"Er... yeah." The Erodanian waved to the couple before shutting the door lightly, making sure Oikawa had his little scarf-hood thing.

"You okay?" Iwaizumi asked immediately once they were out of the apartment section. Tooru looked at him with a heartbroken expression, "Yeah, I will be. Don't worry so much, mom." More jokes.

What is it with him and making jokes to see if it lightens the mood any more? Oikawa sure is a mystery, and the prince couldn't help the want to solve it and get closer. He couldn't find anything if this mystery didn't show any clues.

They walked in silence yet again, that was, until they heard barking in the distance. It was right as they crossed the street onto Oikawa's. Sure enough in the distance, the neighbour's Rottweiler was roaming around the streets, crossing to a girl across the street and snarling fiercely as if no one was allowed near that house.

He was guarding his territory right by where the two needed to go.


The owner didn't seem to be home, and luckily, neither was Oikawa's mom.

Iwaizumi took his chance to attempt to solve the mystery.

"Y'know I'm here for you, right?" The beautiful teen looked at his new friend, "Anytime you need me, I will be there. I can't do anything if you don't open up though. I get everything is hard right now, but why did you overreact so much at not being able to go to school?"

Oikawa looked at him surprised, "W-well, this is going to sound weird, but ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a scientist. I've always had an interest in Astronomy, space, everything about it. So the specific type of scientist I quit my passion and focused purely on for, was an Astrologist. I could have made it, top grades in all my classes, extra credit, extra work, less sleep, more coffee. And now that I can't go, do you know how much I feel like I wasted my life for nothing? But I can't do much about it. I can't do anything about it."

Hajime nodded, "Well, at least you have what no one else does. You have a friend from a different planet. Bright side, right? Don't think you wasted your life, because look at where it got you. Without your effort, I would probably be dead and you wouldn't have ever known that I exist." He put his hand on Oikawa's shoulder for comfort.

"You're right. And even though I won't become an Astrologist, I always have the galaxy right by me." That could have been some sort of pickup line, but he was looking up. So Iwaizumi kept his blush under control.

On his planet, it really didn't matter if you liked someone of your own 'gender' as they called it here. It was actually normal. But here? What if it's not normal?

Iwaizumi knew he was fucked, falling for someone who was probably for the opposite sex. It almost killed him imagining it, how could he just fall for someone he's known for a day?

It didn't matter, as long as Oikawa was happy, he couldn't care less.

They continued to chat while the dog continued to protect the house, so they stood there for awhile. It didn't matter about hiding, but every so often, a car passed and the two of them just looked down pretending to cough or sneeze.

No one likes to see that, right?

Eventually, Oikawa spotted his mother driving down the road.

"Iwa-chan, we need to make a run for it or else-" He pointed at the car slowly getting closer. The two looked at the black dog that seemed to be napping now, so they decided to make a run for it.

Right as they passed the dog, he looked up swiftly, barking but wasn't fast enough getting up to do anything. The two got lucky, slamming the door behind them and panting against the door for a moment. "Jesus, why is it that we can run 20 miles and pant, but run a few houses and literally die." Oikawa was bent over from exhaustion, seeming like he really was dying.

"No idea, but get some water. I will live with your sink water, stop panting though, or else your mother will know you were running, and I doubt she'd believe you if you said you did it inside."

Without another word Hajime was upstairs and Oikawa slowly made it to their kitchen, grabbing his favorite alien mug, filling it with tap water, breathing heavily. "God damn, why am I so worn out?" He could only believe he said it, but really he only thought it.

A car door slammed from the outside, footsteps walking up steps to the door, opening the dark door, "Tooru, sweetie! I brought you some Sprite and crackers, sorry it took so long, the lines were long."

She walked into the kitchen, "Tooru, you're up? Honey, you should be lying down."

"No, no, I'm fine, I'm better now, it was just this morning."

"Oh? Well, still you shouldn't be up in case it happens again, go rest. Don't worry I got some milk bread, too. It is our favorite, thought I'd get some for how harsh your life has been right now. It's simple things that cheer you up, hm?"

"Thank you, Mom!" He smiled, "How many loaves?"

"Two, one for you and one for me, though if you still need more I'm willing to give you half of mine. Oh, do you want me to fold your laundry and take it to your room?"

He didn't hesitate one second, "No, I can do it myself."

Mrs. Oikawa obviously noticed, "Tooru, are you hiding something from me up there?"

The shorter female leaned to the side with the famous pout-with-hand-on-hip.

There was no way he could get out of this. "I-I..." He started, then couldn't help thinking of how he really couldn't have hid Iwaizumi for that long.

He sighed, "Y-yes."

"What on earth could you hide up there?" The short woman walked up the stairs, her son close behind, sweating like a dog as if this was life or death.

Down the hallway, mint walls, white door frames and baseboards, it felt like they had been walking forever, or at least way too long. She didn't bother to knock on the door, barging into a room where there was him.

The beautiful man in Oikawa's clothes.

Could You Be The Devil, Could You Be An Angel? (IwaOi)Where stories live. Discover now