A Sacrifice Worth Making

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Hmm? Oikawa hummed, looking over at the now slammed door. There was quick thumps down the hall and stairs but then they were gone. He hurriedly put on a blue shirt, first making sure no stains were on it, before running downstairs.

His fear of cops being in the living room and taking Iwaizumi away from him, someone attacking his friend, his mom being home and finding out her son was holding a terrestial space being.

Yet when he went down there, only a bright green Hajime. Tooru cocked his head to the side, "Iwa-chan?"

The Erodonian looked away, mumbling under his breath.

"What was that?" Oikawa started to worry, What if something actually had happened?

"Let's go, don't worry about it. Also thanks for the clothes, no clue what I would do without you right now. I really appreciate it." The handsome man was out the door right as he said it.

Which was actually a good thing, because he caught red running up to his face, putting on a smile, "No problem, that's what friends are for."

Why am I blushing at such a common compliment? Do I actually like this beautiful man more than I think I do? No, no, impossible, it's been a day. The brown haired teen caught up, pulling over a hood he found just in case any specific cops that he knew came around. Meanwhile, Iwaizumi just strolled along like getting caught was the least of his worries.

How could it be when if they were caught it was game over?


Oikawa kept looking at him weirdly as they walked down his neighborhood. He couldn't help but notice the reaction, it eventually got annoying as the brown haired kept doing it.

"Assikawa, what is it?!" Hajime raised his voice, turning to his new companion, they were at a 4-way stop, the crosswalk could wait. Because he couldn't.

"Aren't you worried about being recognized?" Tooru asked, doing that damned cute cock-his-head-in-confusion motion.

Not now, not now, not now, the prince repeated in his head, "Who would recognize me in this damn town? The security you have here didn't get a glimpse of me. They were way too busy killing everyone around them."

It sounded as if it didn't affect him to admit it, but they both knew that ship remained at the docks, tied with knots and infinite loops.

"Turn left after the crosswalk." Oikawa instructed, the streets were cracked and chipped, an obvious need of remodeling.

The two were halfway down the street when there was a police car heading their way, Oikawa hid his face and Iwaizumi started to panic. The red and blue sirens were too familiar, his eyes were wide, glancing at his friend who saw his fear.

It was too late to think.

Too late to know what to think or make decisions.

He grabbed the hooded head and pulled it to him. The prince didn't know what he was doing, but all he could tell was that it was far too late to recognize what his actions were.

And now they were inches apart. The hood had come into use, covered them both as the car passed by.

"Iwa-chan, that was more suspicious than if we were just walking down the street!" Oikawa warned, anyone could tell he wasn't actually mad.

"I didn't exactly expect a police car to come down the street."

"Well I didn't either, lets keep going before it possibly turns around. They might think they just saw something, we're only a few houses away."

Hajime could tell they became instant best friends, it was just the way that they were in a personal range and Oikawa just told him about how suspicious he was being.

At the same time though, he didn't know how friends work.

It was only a few minutes until the nerd exclaimed, they were here.

It was a giant apartment complex, Rose Apartments. The buildings were all a rose color with white outlines, doorways, really anything that could be outlined. It looked nice and more friendly in a way. Like a place you would find nice people that feed you free cookies and kids running around with chalk.

They went to the apartment labeled L2 on the bottom in the middle of the three rooms that were side by side. It wasn't too long of a walk and Tooru knew exactly where he was going.

It only took a knock before something in the building dropped and there was an "Ow! Fuck!"and a "Matsukawa I told you not to cook with one hand!"

A man with orange-ish hair that was flat on his head opened the door, "Sorry for the ruckus, hello?"

"Makki-chan! It's been too long!" Oikawa exclaimed, ditching the hood and almost jumping onto the poor man who stood in shock.

Iwaizumi held him back, grabbing the back of his shirt, "Everyone assumes you're dead, dumbass! Give him time to register you're alive!"

The man smiled, "I like him already. Who's this?" The tan-haired person pointed at the Erodonian.

"First, let us inside." Oikawa slumped slightly, they rushed inside without a second of thought.

The place was homey, there was ann ugly blue couch in the middle of a brown carpeted surface, a giant black screen, and a little table with stone surface. Although he didn't agree with how the colors mixed, it was all in nice condition.

There was not one expensive thing except that black screen. "Nice place." He complimented, the outside was pink, the inside was blue.

Oikawa hurried to what looked like the kitchen, where a person with fuzzy black hair poked his head out, "That is not-"

Before the person could finish, he was tackled by that childish idiot. There wasn't a point in stopping him anymore.

"So the famous dead one still lives? What a revelation." The kitchen guy spoke in a sarcastic tone, shoving off the brown-haired teen who quickly recovered and rushed to the couch next.

I can tell someone missed these two. It was pretty obvious by how Oikawa was acting, hurrying around, pouncing, not one word.

"Alright, Iwaizumi - Hanamaki, Hanamaki - Iwaizumi, Iwaizumi - Matsukawa, Matsukawa - Iwaizumi, nice to meet each other right?" That tall asshole was bouncing off the walls, how could he be so excited when they were-needed to be on edge?

"Great to meet you Iwaizumi-san. How did you end up trailing this idiot around?" Matsukawa asked, smirking as he sat oddly close to Hanamaki on the couch, Oikawa on the other side of said person.

"Well, I will be simple here- I am not from your world, I saved him from burning in a fire, I'm staying at his place to make us even." He had absolutely no desire to talk about what happened, just looking at Tooru, who picked up his vibe to continue if he wanted.

While they sat comfortably on the piece of blue furniture, Hajime stood. Observing how these two were, so far they seemed almost just like Oikawa, a little less nerdy and not really preppy, more or less calm and joking.

It was nice actually.

"So, you're an alien?" Hanamaki asked, looking at him as if he was also observing.

His eyes glowed red, increasing the hold of his crossed arms. "Do not call me that. You don't see me calling you this made up name, I actually address you by your species by it's preferred name of 'Humans'. I don't see why you all made up the word 'aliens' for any living things not on this damned planet."

"woah, woah, calm down there, what happened to make you react like that? Or is he always this hotheaded?" Matsukawa seemed intrigued by this reaction, but he definitely didn't show it.

Oikawa ended up telling the whole sotry, both their sides.

It was so fascinating to his friends, but something told him that somehow, these people he was close with, didn't have the bond that they had. 

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